From Them, To Me, To You…
March 22, 2010 by danny · 3 Comments
Everyday I make sure I do some reading in order to keep learning. Today I have a couple of great posts for you to check out.
This is a post from Brian St. Pierre. Over the last couple of years I’ve heard a number of people refer to the “China Study” when talking about the evils of animal meat, and casein protein. This study seemed to be their, “game-set-match” reference, as to why a vegetarian diet is the ideal diet. Not so fast. As Brian explains, there are some definite holes is this study. Within this post, Brian also links a post he made last week about the China Study. (be sure to check out that post as well, if you want to get a better overall view on Brian’s thoughts on the China Study) Very logical stuff here. At least in my opinion.
Boost Calories with Olive Oil Shots?!
My good friend, Dr. Clay Hyght, gives a quick tip on how to use olive oil (and fish/flax oil) to help “hardgainers” add a little size.
See you later on in the week…
Because of Brians post, I just brought back an old favorite proteing powder…Optimum 100% casein (gasp!) Now, I will only use it in moderation and will mix another brand of whey in with it, but I just love the stuff too much to discontinue its use entirely.
Ironic, The China Study is one of my faves, go to book. How doyou think the Raw Vegan Rice Protein powders compare to the casein or whey?
I think rice protein is fine. I have nothing against rice protein as compared to whey/casein. I am in agreement with Brian when he states in his post that the “casein/cancer” connection that the China Study points to, was “connected” to those that took in unrealistic amounts of casein/dairy. So my advice to people is to use a protein powder with rice protein or hemp protein, or if you use a casein powder, don’t take in “too much.” (again, “too much” appears to be an insane amount that you have to go out of your way to ingest)
Also, ideally if a person uses a protein powder that contains casein/whey, it would come from grass fed cows. But those powders are very expensive, so I guess it depends on the financial situation of the person.
Then again, IDEALLY, IDEALLY, a person would consume whole foods with each feeding and this would all be a moot point. However, in order for me to be able to eat as much as I want to/need to, it would be pretty difficult w/o including a powder. So for now, I am going to continue to include powders in my overall plan, but be sure to do so at a very small percentage of my overall calorie intake.
This reply is more than you asked for…sorry.
But it may answer your question, and then some for anyone else that is curious on my thoughts.