My Training Day – 9/25/11

September 26, 2011 by danny · 2 Comments 

I thought I’d share my workout from yesterday with you all.  Since moving back to Illinois, my workouts have been pretty random, as the craziness has continued.  You know… the twins getting up in the middle of the night about 22 times, every night; networking with the locals about job opportunities; adding equipment to my basement gym; stuff like that.  BUT, my squat rack just arrived, and I am PUMPED.  So, I’m ready to get back to my usual training regimen, where I write up my program in “training blocks.” I definitely prefer to train this way.  But sometimes life REALLY gets in the way, and you have to do what you have to do, just to get SOMETHING in, when it comes to training.  For more of my thoughts on random training sessions vs planned training sessions, check out this older blogpost that I made.

Alright, onto the video from yesterday’s training session…

The sets/reps looked like this…

A1) Snatches – 3 X 3-5

A2) Fillers (stretches/mobility work for all my “tight” areas)

B1) Bent Over Rows – 4 X 8-10

B2) Bulgarian Split Squats – 4 X 8 per leg

C1) Incline Press – 4 X 8-10

C2) Curls – 3 X 8-10

There is something about seeing bumper plates that just makes me want to do the Olympic lifts.  I did snatches today, and for my last workout, I did hang cleans… fun to get back to these lifts, as it has been awhile.  And by the way, Hononegah High School’s weight room (my old high school) is UNREAL!  They did a GREAT JOB of putting it together… a bunch of squat racks, trap bars, barbells, dumbbells, sleds, chalk, etc.  GREAT STUFF!

Alright, off to watch my dad put together the squat rack!  I’ll add some pictures of how my “home gym” is coming along real soon.

Have a great Monday!

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2 Responses to “My Training Day – 9/25/11”
  1. Victor says:

    Looks like someone is settling nicely!! Just worked your way right into a bad ass H.S gym. I guess when you’re on the schools Hall of Fame Wall you get that kind of treatment.

    Great Vid, keep em coming

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