Why I’m NOT A Fan Of Distance Running

October 3, 2011 by danny · 4 Comments 

I have already shared the reasons that I am not a fan of distance running for the majority of people.  I have previous blogposts on my site where I talk about some of those reasons.  But just the other day, I received another question from one of my readers on the topic.  This reader wanted to know if I could elaborate some of my feelings.  So I thought it would be best to just record a YouTube video.

Hopefully you listened to the entire video.  After listening, let the information sink it, and then make a sound decision as to your “cardio plan.”  A) Continue as is? B) Make a few modifications? C) Completely revamp what you are doing?

Let me know what you think!

Don’t forget, you can find me on twitter – @DannyMcLarty

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4 Responses to “Why I’m NOT A Fan Of Distance Running”
  1. Hi Danny….great thoughts. While I definitely agree with you, I think the bottom line is that long-distance running satisfies many emotions beyond the “technically is it okay or not okay for us.” For many, myself included, it’s a mental addiction, a feeling of being “free” and “accomplishing” something beyond what the mind perceives it can do. It’s hard to hear all of what you say – and know (for the most part) it to be true, when the passion within a long-distance runner is so great.

  2. danny says:

    Hey Sarah!

    I know you’ve played with these thoughts in your mind for awhile (the “good” and “bad” of running). That is why in the video I briefly talked about the fact that if someone truly does love it, that this love may “trump” some of the potential negatives.

    But, 90% of the people that I’ve worked with over the years (that ran quite a bit before training with me), have found out they can get their “fix” in fitness elsewhere. If you (“you,” as in anyone) give some other cardio options a try (complexes, “circuit” training, EDT based cardio, etc etc) and set it up in a smart way, and you try to make progressions just like you would when running (i.e. get a faster time in your next 10 K race), and you STILL aren’t getting your “fix,” then you have some things to consider…

    -With all the miles I am accumulating, how much of a toll is it taking on my body? If the answer is, “a lot,” at least modify.
    -With all the miles I am accumulating, do I feel “extra” rundown/beat up? If the answer is, “very rundown,” at least modify.
    -Am I NOT enjoying all of this running? If the answer is, “I am not enjoying it.” Then STOP!
    -Am I enjoying it AND does my body feel “pretty good?” If the answer is, “yes.” Then perhaps running is working well for… continue as is.

    I think the above is at least the conversation that runners need to start having with themselves.

    As always Sarah, let me know if I can ever be of any help.


  3. Carolyn says:

    Hi Danny,

    I say your post on FB and wanted to listen to your video about the issues with Distance running. As you remember I am still training in Triathlons and incorporate lots of techniques in my fitness programs. I am still doing strength /metabolic training 2 times a week along with swimming and biking as an added endurance program. But am not a true fan of running as you mentioned for the simple fact of the stress on the joints and body with every mile. I have modified my running to 1 time a wk with no more than a 3-5 mile total but break it up with a 4 minute run 1 minute walk. This gives me the rest and metabolic intervals I need to help burn fat and keep my muscles healthy and joints pain free. In six months I have lost 10% body fat (whoo hoo) and feel great. Thank you for the insight and options for cardio workouts for the everyday person vs pro- athlete. Keep up the great work D. Miss you in Cali :)

  4. danny says:

    Hey Carolyn!

    Great to hear from you and I’m glad that you modified a few things in your cardio program. It will keep you going in this “fitness game” longer.

    I miss my Cali. friends too. Stay in touch!


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