My 10-Minute Vent

April 15, 2010 by danny · Leave a Comment 

I’ve got an extra 10-minutes here, and I feel like getting a few things off my chest.  And I thank you for being here when I need you most.  I love you all.  Well, except you Randy.  I’m still mad at you for putting that that “kick me” sign on my butt at the school assembly in 7th grade.  All the girls laughed at me and it still keeps me up at night.  Damn you Randy!  Everyone else, thanks for the love, and for listening…

Lucky Charms, Trix, etc. etc. etc. etc.


It ticks me off that there are so many commercials (everywhere in the media, really) that push a food as a health food, when it is far from it.  Obesity is a huge problem in our country, and this deceit is not helping.  For example, cereals that get the “Whole Grain Guaranteed” seal of approval from General Mills.  The majority of these cereals are nothing more than sugar in a box with low fiber and a list of ingredients that I wouldn’t want me worst enemy to eat (except for you Randy.  Man you’re an a-hole!).  Part of the problem?  The consumer needs to be more savvy.  And I’m here to help “savvy you up.”  So, if your cereal (or basically any food), has a bunch of carbs, very little fiber, and sugar is one of the first ingredients in the ingredients list, then it is NOT healthy. 

Don’t get me wrong, I get my cheat on from time to time.  But at least I know when I am cheating and when I’m being a good boy.  And that is the message here; educate yourself so you know good from bad.  Then, you can make adjustments in your food plan to get to your goals.  For a good place to start as far as educating yourself, check this out.  End vent.

Finishing on a positive note; the sun is out and I’m about to give a basketball lesson before heading to the gym to train clients for the day.  Plus, the Cubs have won 2 in a row, the Bulls are in the playoffs, and the Bears haven’t lost in 2010.  Life is good.  Good bye.

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