My Current Training Program

June 22, 2010 by danny · Leave a Comment 

I thought I’d share my current training program with you today.  First of all, here are my goals and a little bit about me;

That’s me from last year’s 4th of July parade.  Ok, moving along to more about me…

-It’s summer time so my #1 goal is to look lean and muscular while at the pool.

-With that said, I certainly do not want to become weaker and lose my muscle mass.

-My training (in the weight room) doesn’t change a whole lot (definitely some) while in a “cutting phase.”  The main difference for me is to simply add a little more cardio, and to decrease my cals a bit.

-I don’t think it is real smart to do a “specialization” program (like trying to bring up your delts) when calories aren’t as high.  I’ll save that for fall and the rest of the non-summer months.

I wouldn’t train the *majority* of my clients this way, (and there would definitely be some modifications if I were training one of my athletes – whose main goal is obviously sports performance) but since I am one of the “lucky” ones, my training doesn’t need to change much in order to lose fat.  I put lucky in quotations because I really don’t consider it too lucky that it is fairly easy for me to get a 6-pack.  Yes, that part is cool.  But believe me, it is not fun to have to eat 42,000 cals by noon every day just to maintain weight.   I have to eat 42,000 cals plus eat a camel just to see the scale go up an ounce.  All that chewing (and drinking shakes) gets real old, real fast.  Alright, with the news and notes out of the way, let’s get to it.

Training Program

Day 1 (this happens to fall on a Monday in this current training block)

A1) Incline DB Press, BB Incline Press - 4 X 8-10 and 1 set of AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) with 135 lbs for the barbell press ***

A2) DB Hammer Curls, Upper 1/2 Chins - 3 X 8-10 and then 1 set of AMRAP of upper 1/2 chins (hang from the bar @ 90 degrees and pull myself up to the bar – keep that range of motion (ROM) the entire time. ***

B1) Lateral Raise, Standing DB Shoulder Press  – 3 X 12 and on the last set go right into standing shoulder presses for a set of 10 (this is known as the pre-fatigue method).

B2) X-Pulls (a back exercise) 3 X 10

B3) Quadruped Hip Extension (seen below) for 1 X 15-20/leg and 1-Leg Hip Thrust for 1 X 10-15/leg

Notes *** On weeks 2 and 3 I add a set of Incline DB Presses (so 5 X 8-10) and a set of DB Hammer Curls (so 4 X 8-10).  Week 4, go back to the same volume as in week 1.  This is mainly an upper body day, but I incorporate some glute work in there because it is always good to remind those glutes how to fire efficiently which will help reduce the chance of hamstring and low back problems (as well as help performance in sports).  Even know tomorrow is a leg day, I don’t think a couple body weight lower body exercises will impede tomorrow’s workout.  Today was higher volume, and as you’ll see, Thursday’s upper body day will be heavier, lower rep training.


Day 2 (falls on a Tuesday)

A1) Trap Bar Deadlift  (seen below) – pick a weight that is a 4-6 rep max (RM) and do as many sets as it takes until I hit 15 reps (yes, this is Chad Waterbury-esque) ***

A2) Fillers – anything that is a low level activation drill and/or some extra mobility work (basically to stay productive instead of just sitting there on my butt waiting for the next set to begin)

B1) BB Bulgarian Split Squat (seen below) (lower 1/3 for 3 “mini-reps” then all the way up = 1 rep)  – 3 X 5 ***

B2) Swiss Ball Leg Curl – 3 X 10/Leg

B3) RKC Plank – 1 X 30 seconds, Hanging Knee Raises – 1 X 10 to 15

Notes*** On week’s 2 & 3 I go until I hit 20 reps on the deads, and I perform 4 sets on the bulgarian split squats.  Week 4 is back to the same volume as week 1.  This is my lower rep leg day and day 4 will be be my higher rep leg day.

Alright, I’ll stop here before this thing gets too long.  Be sure to check back in later this week to see what days 3 & 4 look like.  I know it’s going to be hard to wait, but please, try not to lose any sleep over it. :)

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