My Current Training Block…

February 9, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

It has been awhile since I posted my training routine.  I’ve had a few people in person and on facebook recently ask me what my training looks like right now.  So I thought it was a good time to share.  Those that are familiar with my methods, know that I believe that there are many ways to skin a cat in regards to the best training split to use.  Throughout the course of the year, I’ll use a number of different splits… upper/lower split, body part split, full body training, “hybrid” split (i.e. Monday – Full Body, Wednesday – Upper, Thursday – Lower, Saturday – hit a body part or two that I’m trying to bring up).  Each split has its potential pros and cons.  I don’t seem to respond best to any particular split (as I mentioned in this blogpost with Bret Contreras), so I’ll rotate them in where I see fit (what kind of time I have available due to work/family/coaching obligations; what split fires me up the most to train; what split I haven’t done in awhile, etc).  If you have found one that gives you the best results, I suggest you use that split for the majority of the training year.

For the first time in months, I’m using a full body routine.  The great thing about full body training, is that it allows you to hit a muscle/movement pattern often throughout the week.  As I mentioned above, you could also pick apart a few things about full body training, as you could with any split.  But let’s not go there today.  The increased frequency in which I am stimulating each muscle group with this program will (hopefully) lead to a sexier me! ;)

Day 1

A1) Hip Thrust  3 X 10-12

A2) Incline Chest Press – DB  3 X 8

B1) Front Squats 3 X 6-8

B2) Mixed Grip Pull-ups  3 X AMRAP (set 1 = a tempo of 211, the rest of the sets = a tempo of 201)

C1) Low Rope Hammer Curls   3 X 15

C2) Band Close-Grip Push-ups   2 X AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)

D) Seated Lateral Raise   1 Set – do 15-20 reps, take a 10 second and do AMRAP, take another 10 second break and do AMRAP

Day 2

A1) Standing Shoulder Press  3 X 10

A2) 1L (one leg) RDL   3 X 8L (per leg)

B1) TRX Row with ER (external rotation)   4 X 6 (tempo = 2011)

B2) Bulgarian Split Squat, Back Squat   2 X 7L, 1 X 15 (that is, 2 sets of bulgarians and 1 set of back squats)

C1) Hammer Curls   3 X 12

C2) Overhead Tricep Extension   3 X 12

D) Slight Incline Chest Press   1 Set - do 20-25, rest 10 seconds, perform AMRAP, rest 10 seconds and perform AMRAP

Day 3

A1) Barbell Elevated Deadlifts   2 X 3, 1 X 10

A2) Fillers

B1) Seated Cable Chest Press, Seated Cable Chest Fly 2,1 X 10,15 (2 sets of 10 presses followed by 1 set of 15 flyes)

B2) FF, RR Walking Lunges (Forward-Forward, Reverse-Reverse Walking Lunges)   3 X 5/Movement

C1) NG (neutral grip) Seated Cable Rows, Chins   2,1 X 8, AMRAP (2 sets of 8 rows and 1 set of AMRAP chins)

C2) Tricep Pushdowns   1,2 X 20,12 (1 set of 20 and 2 sets of 12)

D1) Ab Wheel Rollouts, Split-Stance Cable Lift  1,1 X 10 (1 set of each for 10 reps)

D2) Reverse Grip EZ Bar Curls   2,1 X 8,12 (sets of 8, 1 set of 12)

Program Notes

-The sets and reps you see are in accordance with week 1.  I keep the volume a little lower in week 1 to try to reduce soreness.  In the weeks to come I use a bit of cybernetic approach (going by feel) where I up the amount of sets if I am “feeling it.”

-I’ve been toying with hip thrusts for awhile, but haven’t really gone heavy yet because I just purchased my Hampton Thick Bar Pad.  This thing makes the lift much more comfortable, as the bar does NOT hurt while digging into your pelvis.  As I’m getting a better feel for this exercise, I’ll be going heavier and working in the lower rep ranges soon.

-My main goal is hypertrophy right now.

-I also train my wussy calves, but I usually do them on “off” days.  Since my job is in a gym, I usually find a 10-15 minute gap between clients somewhere in the day to hit them 2-3 times per week.

Alright, there’s your sneak peak of my current training block.  I definitely put thought into making sure I am balancing things out to keep myself healthy and strong.  But even more important then what the “paper” tells you about a program, is the effort that goes into each session.  And I always give it my all!

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