Babies Are Coming – Last Chance Workout

May 25, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

We are only 2 days away from our scheduled C-section.  And I can’t wait to find out the sexes (twins if you haven’t been following), I can’t wait for Shondra to stop being so uncomfortable, and I can’t wait to meet them.  Because of the craziness that is about to enter my world, I plan on taking a few days off from training – although I am going to bring my Superbands to the hospital, so I can get a few sets of push-up, curls, and a little glute work in. 

But that will most likely be nice and easy, just to get the blood flowing, and give me a reason to move around.  My ADD will be working in full force as I can’t sit for more than 22 seconds without going crazy.

Due to the fact that my training will be taking a back seat for the next week or so (or the next 18 years or so ;) ), I kicked the crap out of myself at yesterday’s training session.  And plan on doing the same today.  Training to failure on a consistent basis is usually not the best idea.  Here is what I consider training to failure; when you literally can’t get another rep; when you have to start to use “body english” to finish the set; when you have to reduce the range of motion to finish the set.  A summary of my thoughts on training to failure…

-consistently training to failure can lead to a decrease in performance

-consistently training to failure can increase the chances of injury

-consistently training to failure can lead to overtraining (if not the true definition of overtraining, it can at least hurt performance and in time, make a person NOT feel motivated to hit the gym)

-training really close to failure on the last set of an exercise can be a good thing, but be careful not to over do it.

-training to failure on occasion can be a good thing, and help “toughen” a person up (but again, be VERY careful not to over do it).

-there is a bit more “wiggle” room in training to failure with “isolation” exercises like biceps curls, compared to big, compound movements like squats.  In other words, it will be easier to recover if you have a couple sets of ALL-OUT curls, than it would be to have a set of two of ALL-OUT squats (plus the chances of injury are lower with the curls).

Last Chance Workout

Yeah, I know.  That is what they call it on the Biggest Loser.  Overall I am not a big fan of that show because 1) quite often I think the exercise selection is atrocious for an obese person, and 2) The “motivating” techniques used often border on belittling. 

But, if you watch the show, I get it – it does have some entertainment value.  With that said, here is my last chance workout from yesterday…

Put 10 minutes and the clock and get as much work in as possible before the 10 minutes expires…

A1) Incline DB press with about a 10 rep max (RM), Dips (parallel bars)

A2) Reverse Grip Curls, EZ Bar Curls

I performed the incline press and reverse grip curls for the first 5 minutes, and Dips and EZ bar curls for the second 5 minutes.  Take a minute or so break, and then…

Put 10 more minutes on the clock and did this…

B1) Wide Pull-ups, Chin-ups, TRX Inverted Rows

B2) Seated Calf Raises

I performed a couple sets of pull-ups, 1 set of chin-ups, and then the remainder of the time performed TRX Rows.  Seated calf raises were performed the entire time.  Once again using about a 10 RM.

C) Lateral Raises – 2 X 10-12

Let me tell you, this was VERY tough due to the fact that I took a number of sets close to failure.  The reason for this?  Because I am about to take a little time off, I am finishing up the week “overreaching.”  Today’s leg workout will be similar.  If you know you are about to take a little break (i.e. you are about to go out of town on vacation), this style of training can be beneficial.  But again, do NOT abuse this very intense, training to failure thing… it will catch up to you!

I may be blogging in the middle of the night in the hospital if I can’t sleep or whatever.  But then again, I may be craving any second of shut-eye that I can get.  With that said, I may or may not being seeing you soon.  Happy training…

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