Training Videos From The Week That Was…

June 12, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

What’s up y’all!  Another great training week in the books – below, you’ll see me and my clients putting in work…

First up, Coco hitting 155 X 8 in the deadlift…

Overall, great job by Coco.  She is fairly new to deadlifting, so we just have to try to make a couple tweaks…

1) Sometimes, her hips rise slightly before her torso – we want them to go up “as one.”

2) Her neck is extended and I’d like to see it in more of a neutral position (in line with her spine).

Brandon nails 300 X 5 in the trap bar deadlift.  He made it look fairly easy… not bad at all for a guy that weighs about 135 pounds!

Another video of one of the guys from the Dougherty Valley Basketball team (along with Brandon from above), Kenrick front squats 220 X 5.  He easily has more left in him!  But I would like to see him get about an inch lower on a couple of those reps, because he is mobile/stable/strong enough to do so.

I’m not sure why the video of Kenrick repeats itself and shows the set twice.?.  My learning disability when it comes to computers once again rears its ugly head!  One of these days maybe I’ll even learn how to add music and cool other features to my YouTube videos.  Maybe. :)

Carson (age 10) headed over to the gym with me today to train.  In between my sets, I taught him how to perform the basics; push-ups, static lunges, and TRX Rows.  My goal was just to drill home proper form, and not even worry about adding weight yet.  He did a great job!  His push-up form was really good! …

And finally, this was the finishing leg complex to my workout today…

-Jump Squats X 10, Reverse Lunges X 10 (total), Squats X AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible).  I got 16 reps on the squats today, 3 more than last Sunday.  Yeah boooyyyeee!

I’ll try to get my camera in the gym as much as possible in the weeks to come and continue to post videos of me and my clients working our ass off!  Have a great week and stay tuned for more fun to come.

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