My Split Is The Best Body Part Split Ever Splitted! Plus, A Sample Training Day Inside…

July 26, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

OR, should the title read; My Split Is The Best Body Part Split Ever Splat?  I’m not sure.  Proper grammar is not my strong point.  What is my strong point however, is my unreal program design!  If you haven’t already checked out my article, Breaking The Rules,” but sure to do so.  In it, you’ll see that I am currently using a body part split, even though my time is very limited.  Usually I’d recommend full body training when life is as crazy as mine is right now (thank you twins).  But I decided to break the rules, because I’m crazy like that.

Anyway, here is a sample training day of one of my current body part splits …

Sternocleidomastoid & Biceps Femoris (Short Head )Day

As mentioned above, you can read the reasons I’m going with a body part split right now even though I don’t have much time to train these days.  Therefore, I won’t get into the reasons for going body part split in this post.  I will however, tell you why I chose to go with the sternocleidomastoid and biceps femoris short head day… besides the obvious – and that is, because I think of and execute brilliant plans.  Things that others would never be able to come up with in 100 years!  Readers, PLEASE leave a comment in the comments section below.  I want to hear from you; do you think I should start working on my book (Titled: “How to REALLY Break Down Body Part Splits, and Make Them Work For You”)?  Or should I let the anticipation build, and wait awhile before I release the book?

Now that you all truly understand how awesome I am, let me highlight the bold points, as far as what makes this split SO effective…

-The sternocleidomastoid and biceps femoris are non-competing muscles.  This allows me to go back and fourth between the two muscles so that one exercise doesn’t “interfere” with the other.

-They are relatively small body parts, so the workout is incredibly easy!

-Because the body parts are relatively small and don’t need much recovery time between sets, I can finish the workout in less than 8 minutes.

-No one else in the gym is using a similar split, so this alone separates me from the pack.

Ok, let me stop right here.  I just hope no one stopped reading this blogpost before reading this line.  Because if they did they’d probably think I was a bigger jackass than Steve-O!

Obviously going with a sternocleidomastoid and biceps femoris (short head) day would be pretty ridiculous (but I had you thinking that I was really using that split – didn’t I!?!).  So, let me give you an example of one of the days that I  am REALLY using…

Triceps + “Posterior Chain” Day

A1) Close-Grip Bench Press – 5 X 5

A2) Hip Thrust 4 sets (2 X 5, 1 X 10 and 1 set of 1-leg body weight X AMRAP)

B1) Decline DB Skull Crushers – 2 X 15

B2) 1-leg Swiss Ball Leg Curl – 2 X 15

Everyone of my training sessions takes me about 20 minutes (not counting warm-up and post-workout stretching).  This is NOT my norm, but for the reasons mentioned in the article, this fits the bill perfectly for the time being!

There you go, a look into my current training program.  Sometimes you have to modify your training when life “gets in the way.”  Nothing wrong with that!

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