Your Healthy Reminder: Don’t Forget This!

November 16, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

As I’ve talked about previously, there are a number of reasons to workout and eat healthy…

The hard work is worth it!

-To improve performance

-To look better to attract others

-To look better to feel good and confident about yourself

-The high that often comes from a good, hard training session

-Improve energy

-Reduce stress (this is huge factor for many people!)

-To reduce the risk of all kinds of health problems

Now, the last one I mentioned unfortunately is the an afterthought for many people.  But it should be high on the “reason to workout/eat healthy,” list.  A couple reminders of why this is so important…

The Real “Main Reason” to Workout – This was a blogpost that I did awhile back talking about a guy that I used to train in California (currently training him on-line).  When he came to see me, things looked bleak.  His doctor told him that he was 48 seconds (give or take a few weeks) away from developing diabetes. and had a bunch of “red flags” when the doc checked all of his numbers (cholesterol, glucose levels, etc, etc).  Anyway, this all GREATLY changed after a few months of good, hard training, and much improved eating.

It’s All Muscle Mark Young talks about how dangerous it is to carry around a bunch of abdominal fat, shows us some scary pictures (like what a “fat” heart looks like), and basically scares the bejesus out of us.

Sometimes fear can be a good thing.

Now, I do want to point out once again – if you are currently not living a very “clean” life, it doesn’t have to miserable and boring to workout and eat healthy.  For example, you best believe that I’ll be having some fun with friends and family over Thanksgiving week (i.e. beer will be consumed, mashed potatoes will be consumed, and I plan on eating 4 pumpkin pies… not pieces, pies).  Work hard, be disciplined, be consistent, and PICK YOUR SPOTS when it comes time to getting a little crazy.  If you hop RIGHT BACK ON the clean living wagon, it’ll be all good.  Scroll up and review the benefits of training and a solid nutrition plan, they’re well worth it!

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