Warning: Sexy Picture Inside

January 3, 2012 by danny · Leave a Comment 

While I was living in California for the past 7.5 years, I missed a bunch of fun family/friend get-togethers.  Fun times such as the annual “Moustache Bowl Game Party.”  Now that I’m back in Illinois I got to participate in this party and all the coolness that goes with rocking an 80s ’stache.  I must warn you, in the picture below you will be witnessing some EXTRA sexy facial hair. I’m just saying, prepare yourself.  Ready?  Ok, here you go…

Me, my brothers, & B. Leit showing off our moustaches.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, don’t be jealous.  We wore those ’staches well, and looked damn sexy!  Yeah right, I think each one of our wives just about puked when they saw us like this. :)

Well, this is supposed to be a training/nutrition/basketball website, so I guess I better leave you with a little information along those lines.  Let’s see, what can I come up with?  Oh, how ’bout this; remember to make time for fun and to not take yourself too seriously… otherwise stress will add up.  And when that happens, achieving your health and physique goals becomes that much harder.

Have a good one everyone.  I hope you enjoyed the “lovely” picture. ;)

P.S. Should I shave it or “let it ride” for a few more days?

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