Exercise of the Week: Band-Resisted Trap Bar Deadlifts

January 15, 2013 by danny · 1 Comment 

All credit goes to Ben Bruno as is he the person that I first saw performing band-resisted trap bar deadlifts. Ben has come up many great variations to some of our “staple” exercises!

Band-Resisted Trap Bar Deadlifts are a great way to add resistance and overload the lockout (i.e. the top part of the lift is more difficult when there is tension on the bands).

This also makes it more of a back-friendly exercise since the bottom position (starting position) is lighter than the top.  And the starting position is where we are most vulnerable to rounding our back and hurting our lumbar spine.

All you need to do is loop the band around the trap bar and then stand directly over the band.

Just make sure you line the band up right in the center of your feet.  I’ve heard of stories where the individual didn’t get the band underneath his feet juuuust right, only to have the band slip out from under and either, a) smack him in the legs, leaving a welt, or b) cause him to temporarily lose balance and form… increasing the chances of injury.

So, if you have a band and a trap bar, this would be a great variation to add into your tool box!  If you do not have bands, check out the banner to the right that says “performbetter.”  That is where I get my bands for exercises like band-resisted trap bar deadlifts (I’m using the 1″ “superband” in the above video).  Actually I use bands for a number of exercises…

Happy training…

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One Response to “Exercise of the Week: Band-Resisted Trap Bar Deadlifts”
  1. Love it! I have Rubberbanditz bands but no trap bar in the gym…. I will figure it out! :)

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