Bench Press PR and My Thoughts On The Bench Press…

June 11, 2013 by danny · Leave a Comment 

Liz, who plays basketball at Lehigh, set a bench press PR (Personal Record) of 105 pounds with her team when she tested before school ended back in May.  Well, it was time to retest last week.  And here’s how it went down…

New PR!  Nice job, Liz!  Her goals this summer include getting stronger/quicker/more explosive, as well as improving her ball handling and her ability to create space off the dribble.  Her hard work at both our strength training sessions and our skill work on the basketball court (as well as all the time she gets to the gym on her own working on her game) has her heading in the right direction!

My Thoughts On The Bench Press

I did a video on my thoughts on the bench press as it pertains to most dudes.

Squat rack? What's a squat rack?

Check it out HERE.  Now, get to squatting, deadlifting, and hip thrusting!

Alrighty then, until next time…

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