Stay Athletic and Bench Press with Proper Form…

March 21, 2012 by danny · Leave a Comment 

In doing my usually weekly reading of all things fitness related, I came across a couple posts that I think the majority of people can benefit from…

5 Ways to Maintain or Improve Your Athleticism By Jason Ferruggia

Yes, the aging process makes it so we are not as athletic (not as fast, powerful, and explosive) as we once were.  But another big reason that we lose SOOOO much of our athletic ability as we age, is because we no longer perform athletic movements.  So, don’t blame everything on your age.  Sitting on your butt and/or not working out like an athlete is just as big of a culprit for not being able to touch the net rim anymore.  In THIS article Jason goes over 5 ways to maintain or improve your athleticism.

Bench Press Technique: Should You Keep Your Feet Up? By Eric Cressey

Every guy in the world lives to bench.  And I don’t see this changing anytime soon.  I have nothing against the bench press, but I DO have a problem with HOW MUCH emphasis the typical dude puts on this exercise.  BUT, if you’re going to do it, you might as well do it right.  EC asks the question; “Should You Keep Your Feet Up?”  Short answer is, NO!  To get the reasons why, check out THIS post.

Elbows Flared + Feet Up = How NOT to Bench Press

And if you are feeling lazy and don’t feel like doing any further reading, check out the video below of me benching along with some cues to ensure you are using proper bench press technique.

If any of your buddies are “Mr. Bench Press,” (you know, the guy that benches 3 times a week, 52 weeks out of the year), be sure to share this post with him.  It’ll help save his shoulders in the long run.

That’s it for now.  Until next time…

How To Increase Athleticism

March 28, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

I just had an article published by my  peeps at Sears titled, “How To Increase Athleticism.”  How do you increase  athleticism?  Is improving your skill and increasing athleticism the same thing?  I think not.  To get my take on how to increase athleticism in more detail, read on my friend