Making The Most Of The Equipment That You Have Available

February 29, 2012 by danny · 2 Comments 

For those of you that don’t already know, I’m currently training clients out of my basement.  It has actually been working out great!  You really do NOT need a ton of equipment to have many, many exercises to choose from.  Yeah, in the not too distant future, I’m hoping to open my own training studio with more space.  But even then, I plan on only using equipment that gives me the most bang for my buck.  In other words, there is no way that I’m going to buy a piece of equipment that is designed to perform one, and only one exercise.  That just doesn’t make sense, unless you own a big commercial gym and have room for every selectorized piece of equipment under the sun.  And even then, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me.  I mean, why would I buy a dip station when I can really only use it for ONE exercise.

With that said, let’s get into another way to perform dips with the equipment I already have available…

I already have 2 barbells and 2 squat racks so there is no need to go out and buy a dip station that would just take up more space unnecessarily.   I purchased these pieces of equipment because the number of exercises available are unlimited.  My clients use the rack and a barbell (or the rackS and barbellS if I’m training multiple clients at once) at pretty much every single session.  So, the point is, if you are thinking about getting a home gym, ONLY get equipment that allows you to perform many different exercises.  Make sure to make efficient use of the space that you have available.

Do you have any “clever” ways of using equipment for multiple exercises (even if not for its intended purpose)?  If you have any questions about what the “essentials” are for a home gym, just leave a question/comment below.

I’ll be making a video showing you the many different uses I get out of bands.  Talk about a big-bang-for-your buck piece of equipment!  Check back in for that video sometime early next week (or maybe even later this week… if the twins take a looooong nap [at the SAME TIME!] and allow me to get put some good video time in).

Until next time…