To My California and Nebraska Friends – Baby Birthday Pictures for You…

May 30, 2012 by danny · Leave a Comment 

I know, I know, everyone has cute baby pictures all over the place; family photo albums, on the walls in your home, all over your facebook page, etc. etc. etc.  So, why I am doing this blogpost all about my babies?  Well, I lived in Omaha, Nebraska for about 6 years of my life.  And I lived in California for almost 8 years.  In that time, I formed great relationships with a number of people.  And on a weekly basis, I get messages from these friends saying things like; “keep those baby pictures coming!”  Or, “I miss the babies already, keep posting pictures of them so I can watch their development as they get older.”

So Cali and Nebraska friends, this is for you…

We celebrated their one year birthday party this past Sunday. Yeah, it was about 134 degrees out, but that didn’t stop us from having some fun!  In attendance was Capri and Daxton’s great grandmother, their grandparents, aunts, uncles, a BUNCH of cousins, and friends.

Shondra’s theme for the party was “Monkey See, Monkey Deux.” Deux as in two (in French).  They are twins.  Deux. Get it?  Oh, she’s a clever one, that Shondra!  In all seriousness the cake, and decorations, ‘n all that turned out great!

Monkey See Monkey Deux Cakes

And Cupcakes

My contribution to these goodies?  Zero. Shondra and her mom get the credit.  Oh, and the lady that made the cake… nice work lady! :)

And, onto the babies…

Capri with her balloon

The babies getting ready to hear the "Happy Birthday" song for the first time. And then, it was time for cake...

Capri, getting her grub on.

Daxton starting to get messy.

Oh, it got UGLY for Dax!

Daxton had cake in his eyes and all over his head!  And Capri, although much more lady-like in her eating, still got pretty messy.  So Shondra and I ran them upstairs for a quick bath and change of clothes before present time.  Daxton and Capri had PLENTY of help from all the cousins!

If you’re not from California or Nebraska, you’re still welcome to take look at the pictures… even if you’re from Wyoming, Maine, or New Mexico. ;)

I’ll be back later on for some more fitness and/or basketball related blogposts.  Talk to you then…

The McLarty’s are moving Back To Illinois…

August 8, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

Yes, that’s right, the McLarty’s are heading “home.”  After nearly an 8 year run in California, we’re going back to Illinois.  This is something that we’ve been thinking about for a number of years now, and we’ve just recently made it official.  For those of you who don’t know, we have a big family back there, and well, we miss them… as well as our old friends.  And when the twins were born, that pushed us over the edge from thinking about moving, to, it’s time to move.  We really want them to grow up closer to their Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

With that said, there is quite a bit I’ll miss about the Bay area…

My Experience In California

-Of course, I have to bring up how nice the weather and beautiful scenery is!  When I had my friends and family visit from Illinois and Nebraska, they were always blown away with how nice everything is out here.

-I’ll miss…

The relationships that I’ve made with friends…

More beautiful views…

Some of the great memories…

Training my clients/friends/athletes…

And the list goes on.  As much as I’ll miss all of the above (and more), I am that much more excited to be close to family again.  I can’t wait to get together for holidays with having to fly across the country; I can’t wait to drive just a couple miles down the road to get together with everyone for Bears games; I can’t wait to watch my babies grow up with their cousins; and again, this list goes on and on…

So, my Illinois family and friends, I can’t wait to see you all again!

As for work, I continue my work as a freelance writer, and as far as training goes, that is up in the air right now.  I’m considering opening up my own training studio, but that probably won’t happen (if at all) for a couple years.  Therefore, just to get started, I’m considering my options working at a local gym or putting equipment in our new house and training people right there.  I’ll also continue with basketball lessons.  So coaches, parents, and athletes, I look forward to whipping your butt into shape here in the near future! ;)

Just a week away – Illinois here we come!

Tweet at me!