Processed Meat, Big Arms, and What’s In Your Toolbox?

June 5, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

I actually meant to send this out awhile ago, but with the arrival of the twins I’ve been just a little busy.  Holy poop!  Holy middle of the night crying!  And holy cuteness… all factors keeping me EXTREMELY busy.

Below are a few good blogposts for you to check out…

Dr. Bowden is one of my favorite nutrition experts.  In this post, he talks about red meat and why it is actually GOOD for you, as opposed to the devil of the world that many make it out to be.  The flawed studies on red meat has led to a bunch of misinformation.  Meat that is highly processed (coming from large factory farms) is WAAAY different than meat that comes from grass-fed cows.  In the end, the studies should NOT lump processed meat and grass-fed meat in the same category.

I think of it like this; Kool-Aid is not good for us, we know that.  Since kool-aid contains water, does that mean we should avoid water?  I think not.  Get rid of all the sugar, and you are left with good, healthy water.  Same thing with meat; get rid of all the processing in some of these meats, and you’re left with a food that has many benefits.  Check out Dr. Bowden’s as it goes into more detail than my brief summary…

Processed Meats: What’s Inside May Kill You by Dr. Jonny Bowden

Many coaches/trainers are not big fans of direct arm work (i.e. curls for the girls and tricep pushdowns).  Now, I too get frustrated with those dudes that spend 75% of their time doing concentration curls RATHER THAN the big-boy movements like deadlifts, push-ups, chin-ups, and squats.  BUT, if you want bigger arms, you better be doing some direct arm training.  Right Jason? …

My Take On Direct Arm Work - by Jason Ferruggia

This one is a older blogpost by me.  One of my biggest pet peeves in this field is when someone says that they are a “TRX guy” (or whatever piece of equipment they choose to define themselves as).  Those that do this – stupid, just stupid…

Tools In Your Training Toolboxby me

Hope you all have a great Sunday!

Don’t forget, if you haven’t done so already, connect with me on facebook and twitter.