Tools in your Training Toolbox

February 5, 2010 by danny · Leave a Comment 

What’s the best piece of equipment for fat loss? Is it kettlebells? Maybe dumbbells? Neither, body weight exercises are the best choice, right? But if your goal is to get HYOOGE, then you better go with barbells. No doubt about it! Actually, this line of thinking is just plain dumb! Why limit yourself to only one of the above?

It really annoys me when someone says that they don’t use dumbbells because kettlebells are better. Or I may hear, I don’t lift weights, because I LOVE TRX training. “It’s way better than traditional weight training,” they may say. I once heard trainer extraordinaire, Alwyn Cosgrove say; (I’m paraphrasing) “I’m not a swiss ball guy. I’m not a dumbbell guy. I’m not a kettlebell guy. I’m an everything guy.” I couldn’t agree more. When it comes down to it, different pieces of equipment are just tools for you to use, to help you get to your goals. So why become a, “TRX guy” (or girl:) and limit yourself? I prefer to have a much bigger toolbox to choose from.

Most of us don’t close our minds this much in other aspects of our life. At least I hope not. You’ll never hear me say that I’m a “He-Man Guy,” therefore I can’t watch Transformers. I want need to get my Grimlock fix just as much as I need my Ram-Man fix.  Call me selfish, see if I care. ;)

It doesn’t matter if I’m training my clients for fat loss, hypertrophy, or increased power.  One time or another they’ll be getting a taste of kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells, TRX straps, swiss balls… and the list goes on.   I simply work these tools into their program where I see appropriate.  I hope you all are doing the same thing, and NOT limiting your options en route to your goals.