Randomness From Around The Web

June 9, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

From facebook, to twitter, to YouTube, to blogs, I usually come across some great information that I think you all would benefit from. Here are four random topics that I have contributed to, or run into via the wonderful world wide web…

1) My good friend Sarah Hoffman, posed this question on FitStudio’s facebook page; “I’d love to have a great conversation about the USDA’s my MyPlate. What are your thoughts on it?! Good? Bad? Agree? Disagree?”

My response …

“I think it’s a step in the right direction, but still nowhere near perfect. I agree that healthy fats should be added. But most important to me, FOOD QUALITY IS NOT DISCUSSED. For example, “grains” – I think of grains as oats, quinoa, etc., whereas the average person that doesn’t study this stuff for a living may say, “I need to add grains huh? Cool, I’ll start my day off with a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.” After all, it does say “whole grains” right there on the box.”

2) I’ve been trying to reduce the amount that use I plastics for years now. Some people may think I’m being a little anal, as we can only control so much in our lives, so why worry about every little thing – they may think. I actually agree… somewhat. If we stress out about everything in our life, then STRESS is going to be the thing that kills us prematurely. BUT, to me, there are some easy, non-stressful ways to reduce plastics in our life. This is both good for the environment, and for our health!
Brian St. Pierre does a great job here of showing us how to use less plastic. How To Use Less Plastic

3) Another question that was posed on facebook; “Barefoot, Vibram-style kicks or regular running shoes – which do you prefer, and why?
My response…
“Definitely Vibram Five Fingers (and I like Nike Free shoe) for running (and just about any workout “task”). Studies show that when running in shoes such as VFF, the biomechanics of our stride actually produces LESS stress to the joints – as compared to thick, cushiony shoes.

My advice though: do NOT go “cold turkey.” If you’ve been running in a typical running shoe, then one day out of nowhere you go with the VFF (or barefoot) for a 5 mile run, you could be asking for trouble. Ease into it… walk around your house in the VFF (and/or barefoot) for a week…. wear them when lifting weights… do a light jog in them. You get the idea… progress at a slow, smart pace so you “prepare” your feet for these shoes.”

#4) With the arrival of our twins, I’ve been in a “baby” mood lately.  And I thought this video was hilarious!

Let me know if you agree or disagree with any of the above?  I’m here to help make the world a mo’ healthy, mo’ buff, and mo’ sexy place.  So if you like the info that I’m putting out, I’d appreciate it if you share my blog with your friends and family.  Ya’ll have a great night!   I’m out for now…