My Current Training Program: Part II

June 24, 2010 by danny · Leave a Comment 

Ok, I’m back to finish showing you what my current training program looks like.  If you recall from Part I, my main goal right now is to be lean and muscular – since we have entered “beach season.”  A side goal is to maintain my strength and size while stripping away a bit of fat.  Since I am not eating a ton of extra calories, I am not looking to add a bunch of muscle or bring up lagging body parts.  That will be saved for the non-summer months.  Here is a recent photo taken of me…

Beware of my two vicious dogs.  If you even think about breaking into my house, they will rip your head off.  Without further adieu, here is day 3 and 4;

Training Program

Day 3  (This day falls on a Thursday)

 A1) Neutral Grip Pull-ups - 3 X 1, 1 X 5 ***

A1) Decline DB Chest Press – 3 X 1, 1 X 7 ***

B1) Rope Pushdowns, Close-Grip Push-ups –  3 X 10 on the pushdowns, and then after the last set of pushdowns, I go right into 1 set of as many reps as possible of close-grip push-ups

B2) Farmer’s Walks – 1 X 50 seconds, 1 X 40 seconds, and 1 X 30 seconds

B3) Face Down (on an incline) reverse flyes (angle of bench set @ about 60 degrees) 3 X 10

Notes*** I do 4 sets of 3 on weeks 2 & 3 for the pull-ups (so, 4 X 3 and 1 X 5).  And then on week 4 I go back to the same volume as in week one.  I do 4 sets of 5 on the decline press on weeks 2 & 3 (so 4 X 5, 1 X 7) and then on week 4 I go back to the same volume as in week one.

Day 4 (falls on a Saturday)

A1) “Quad” Complex – Barbell Jump Squats X 10, followed immediately by 10 Squats, and finished up with a deep squat holds for as long as possible.  I performed 2 sets on week 1.  If I could walk and had anything left in my quads I have the option to do 3 sets in weeks 2 & 3.  Week 4, back to 2 sets no matter what. (video seen below)

A2) Fillers – anything that is a low level activation drill and/or some extra mobility work (basically to stay productive instead of just sitting there on my butt waiting for the next set to begin).

B1) 1-Leg Back Extensions – 3 X 7/Leg

B2) Lateral Pallof Press – 3 X 5 reps with a 3 second hold on each rep (holding above head)

C) BB Glute Bridge – 2 X 12-15

Wrap Up

So there you have it, my 4-day upper/lower split.  I have a higher volume light(er) upper and lower day, and a low(er) volume, heavier day for both the upper and lower body.  My cardio is done 1 or 2 days per week.  I either do 400 meter “sprints” (soooooo hard) or hill sprints.  And most important of all to achieving my goal, is nutrition.  If you are having a hard time reaching your physique goal(s), here is a great place to start nutrition-wise.  If you are stuck in a rut and need some assistance designing the most effective program for your goals, check out my services page.  I’d love to help you reach your goals!

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