MVP Training Logo Is In…

February 7, 2013 by danny · Leave a Comment 

Well, let me first announce that I officially have my business name for the gym… “MVP Training.”  M.V.P. is an acronym and to find out what it stands for and what training at my facility is all about, check this out… MVP Training.

My logo and sign for the gym is up!  My friend, Chris Luttig, did a great job!  He’s awesome at what he does and once again, he didn’t disappoint!  So, thanks Chris!  I should also thank Mandy Becker who helped me come up with the name to the gym… thanks, Mandy!  And finally, I’d like to thank Amy Morris as she helped me find the right words to fit the MVP acronym.  That V had me stumped for awhile.  So thanks, Amy!

Anyway, check out the logo below and let me know if you like it as much as I do…

And here is what it looks like up on the building on this snowing day…

From across the street.

And up close…

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