My Photo Shoot

January 23, 2012 by danny · 6 Comments 

This past weekend I did a “photo shoot.”  Well, kind of.  It wasn’t the type of photo shoot where I went in to see a professional photographer and get make-up applied, a spray tan, and air-brushed every which way possible.  Although my wife did do a good job of taking the pictures and catering to my needs (she fed me grapes between shots).

Why did I have these pictures taken, you ask?  Well, because I’m a trainer and a fitness writer – and a number of times I’ve had different people (for an interview for a website or for an on-line magazine) ask me to send some “fitness pics” over to them to include in the article/interview.  I read all the time and when reading another trainer’s article/interview I often see great shots of them working out and/or showing off their physique.  When I get asked by an editor to send my pics I start scrabbling/panicking… “Shondra, where did you save that one picture in the computer?!?  I can’t find any good ones. What do I do!?!”  So, I figured I better get some professional-ish shots done so this is no longer an issue.

Why I’ve Been Hesitant To Do This

I knew I needed to get these pictures done, for the reason I mentioned above.  But I’ve been hesitant to get these pictures taken and to post them on my website and all over the Internet.  Hesitant?  Yes, that’s right.  The reason is simple… I don’t want to make it all about me.  When I train clients it is about them (both in person and on-line).  It’s their time to get in the gym and get work done; their time to work to look better and feel better.  But, as people have pointed out to me, “Danny, you need to sell yourself.  It’s not ’showing off’ to post a picture without a shirt on.  You are just showing people that you practice what you preach.  Fitness is your profession.”

And I get that.  I’ve had a number of friends/clients say to me over the years; “I always had respect for your knowledge.  But it wasn’t until after I saw you without a shirt on, that I realized that I am working with someone that REALLY takes his job and this lifestyle seriously.  That motivated me to want to work harder in the gym, eat better in the kitchen, and just take better care of my body/mind.”  (Note: I am NOT saying that I have the best physique in the world. But I think I’ve worked hard enough and consistent enough over the years to earn the respect of at least some people).

This is just human nature I guess.  If I were to “hand over my money” to an investor, I wouldn’t be happy if I heard that he has filed for bankruptcy four times in his life so far… not good for business!  Likewise, if one is thinking about working with a trainer, they are more likely to do so if they know the trainer practices what (s)he preaches.  So, I’ve decided to “put myself out there” a little more.  All of this led to my “photo shoot” …

Reminder For Me

I’m usually a pretty strict guy.  As I’ve mentioned before, I definitely find time to incorporate some of the finer things in life (beer, pizza, peanut M&M’s), but I like to “pick my spots.”  In other words, I try to limit the time in which I subject myself to such foods.  However, from time to time I find myself indulging more than I should.  But when I set the date with my wife to get these pictures taken, I was money with my eating.  It wasn’t very hard to walk by a cookie and NOT grab it.  I made extra sure to prepare just the right food in advance.  Etc. etc.    What I am saying is this; taking photos of yourself is very motivating.  I remember reading that John Berardi has often encouraged his clients to schedule a photo shoot because it is such a strong motivator and this will help you achieve your goals that much quicker.  Keep this in mind (even if this “photo shoot” is just between you and your husband/wife).

Reminder #2

We are our own worst critic.  There were a couple shots that Shondra thought were really good.  While my response might of have been something like, “are you kidding me!?!  Delete that picture.  My 3-year old niece’s triceps look bigger than mine do in this picture!”  If channelled in the right way, this can be a good thing… as a motivator to improve.  If channelled the wrong way this can be terrible… causing someone to stop altogether and give up.  Just remember that’s it’s ok to be hard on yourself, but channel it in the right direction!

So there you go… my photo shoot, the reasons for the shoot, and the power of pictures for motivation.

What event or occasion had you especially strict in order to reach your physique goal(s)?  Did use the camera to “help get you there?”  If taking pictures didn’t motivate you as well as you thought it would, what has worked better for you?  I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below…

Follow me on twitter.

Training, Life, and Stuff…

January 21, 2012 by danny · Leave a Comment 

Just a bunch of things creeping through my mind …

-It has been an unbelievably nice winter so far.  Many days in the 40s and 50s, and quite a bit of sun.  This has made my transition from California back to Illinois quite a bit easier.  But the reality of living in the Midwest has hit, and hit hard…

My first time shoveling snow in about 10 years!

It has actually been kind of fun!  But the thing I hate, is when these type of conditions last month after month after month.  That’s why I’m so glad we had such a nice first part of winter.  This greatly shortens the winter season… March is only just over a month away!

-Tony Gentilcore had a really good blogpost the other day.  Q and A: My Supplement List. Tony delivers in his usual funny and informative way.  The gist of his post is this (as he points out)…

It’s been said supplements are progress enhancers, not progress starters.  If your current diet and training program isn’t getting the job done, then taking “x” supplement probably isn’t going to be the answer.

Check out the entire piece – Q and A: My Supplement List

-You want to know what is absolutely unbelievable and ridiculous?  Let me tell you; there are about a zillion toys made specifically for babies, and the only things they want to play with are (in no particular order)…

1) My watch

2) The remote control

3) My cell phone

4) All the cables by the TV

5) The dog food in the dog dish

Kids these days!  But, it’s hard to get mad at this face…

Capri in her hoodie

-Here’s a powerful picture…

Just a reminder of the power of weight lifting. Lifting can help you add muscle and as you can see, muscle takes up a lot less space than fat!  This is why the scale can be deceiving.  If person A and person B weigh exactly the same, but person A has more muscle than person B, person A will take up a lot less space (ladies, this means your clothes will fit better!).  Now go get your lift on!

-I finished off the last day of my current training block on Thursday. I’ll be starting my new program on Sunday.  It’s always exciting to start a new program.  I’ll fill you in with some of the particulars in future posts.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.  If it’s snowy in your neck of the woods, remember to take er easy on the roads.

Connect with me on twitter.

All Things Pull-Ups

January 12, 2012 by danny · 2 Comments 

The other day I did a blogpost featuring “All Things TRX” – well today I’m back at it with all things pull-ups.  Pull-ups are a great exercise that works the back, biceps, core, and gripping muscles.  Check out the video below with some “normal” and unique variations that many of you probably haven’t tried yet. (NOTE: I FINALLY learned how to insert music into my videos… thanks to Dane for showing me how!)

And if you are someone that is on the fence – close, but can’t QUITE get that first chin-up, the video below should help you out.

Make 2012 the year that you get your first chin-up!  And for those of you that are more advanced, you now have more options in your pull-up toolbox!

Now that I have babies, pull-ups have more than one meaning!

Remember, you can find me on twitter @DannyMcLarty – connect with me so we can talk fitness, sports, antiquing, and politics (yeah right, there’s a better chance that you’ll find me talking about antiques than get me to talk politics!).

All Things TRX

January 6, 2012 by danny · 4 Comments 

When I moved back to Illinois and started training people out of my home, one of the first things I did was purchase a TRX Suspension Trainer. I’m really glad I did this, because when you are working in a small area, you want to maximize the space you have with minimal equipment.  And you can get a ton done with TRX straps.  I’ve also seen a number of trainers (and “general fitness enthusiasts”) talk about how handy TRX straps are when traveling – just pop it in your suitcase and you can get a workout in ANYWHERE.

Eric Cressey getting his TRX on his honeymoon!

Eric Cressey getting his TRX on while on his honeymoon!

If you train at your house or own a gym, you definitely need to include the TRX Suspension Trainer in your toolbox!

While there are many, many exercises to choose from, I decided to film some of my favorite for you to check out and include in your training programs going forward.

Please note: when I learned now to insert words into my youtube videos in 2011, that was a BIG deal for me.  BUT, I still haven’t learned how to add music.  Recently, my brother-in-law (Tom) tried to teach me how to do it over the phone.  But my computer/technology learning disability was too strong for his good directions.  However, in 2012 I will learn this near impossible task! :)  For now though, no music.  You’ll just have to enjoy watching me train… because that is VERY enjoyable, right?  Right! …

What are some of your favorite TRX exercises?  If you haven’t used a TRX yet and are interested in getting one, just click on this link and type in TRX Suspension Training Pro Pack in the search engine.

Happy Training!

Last Workout of 2011…

January 1, 2012 by danny · Leave a Comment 

With 2012 just hours away, I thought I’d end ‘11 on a good note.  For those of you that know me, it may surprise you that my last workout of the year was, wait for it, wait for it… a cardio session!  In attempt to achieve my health and physique goals, I rely mostly on nutrition and weight training, with the occasional (VERY occasional) cardio session thrown in from time to time.  I will say however… don’t tell me that weight training can’t have a cardio-like effect!  Ever try 20-rep squats with as much weight as you can handle?!?  I rest my case.

Anyway, overall my conditioning is pretty piss-poor right now, so in 2012 I VOW to increase my cardio from once every two months, to once every month.  Just kidding (but not really).

My friends also know that I RARELY, RARELY, RARELY, perform “traditional” cardio.  The thought of getting on a treadmill or going out for a boring jog excites me about as much as the thought of changing ANOTHER one of my babies diapers!!!

Daxton looks like he left a "Dax special" in the back of his pants... again!

Actually, I dont’ even come close to performing traditional cardio “rarely.”  More like, never.  I literally haven’t done a treadmill or straight line jog for more than 400 meters in over 10 years.

With that said, here’s what I put together for today’s cardio session…

And on to 2012 we go.  This upcoming year (and every year going forward), make sure to hustle, bring the enthusiasm and passion, and do so with a positive attitude.  If you can consistently do that, there is money to be had, lives to positively impact (including your own), and good times ahead.

Thanks for reading my blog/website this year!  I look forward to sharing 2012 with you all!

2011: The Year That Was…

December 21, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

Once again, the end of the year is already here!  It’s time to reflect on what we did, what we are proud of, and what we could do better going forward.  As a reminder, when you sit down to write your resolutions, focus on your behaviors rather than your goals.  For example, if you want to lose 10 pounds by February 14th, write down the behaviors that will help get you there…

1) I will eat 6 + servings of fruits and VEGGIES per day.

2) I will train with weights 3 times per week and get 2 additional cardio sessions in.

3) I will eat (pick your vice) only 1 time per week – max.

Focusing on your behaviors will give you the road map to reach your goals.


2011 was a BIG year for me… life changing!  Let’s take a look at some of the bigger events that stood out – both training and non-training.

-In January me and my friend’s Marci and Jason flew down to Arizona for some fun and some education.  Marci and I visited Bret Contreras and his garage gym.  It was great and we picked up a lot of great information from Bret!  I reviewed our time with Bret, here… My Visit With Bret Contreras.

-My favorite interview of the year was the one I did with Jen Comas Keck.  She’s one bad ass girl!  You can read more about it here… Girl Gone Strong.

-As 2011 kept moving on, Shondra went from pregnant, to VERY PREGNANT!

You'd think there was two in there!

-The BIGGEST day of my life happened on May 27th, 2011 (at 8:02 and 8:03 a.m. – in case you were wondering :) ) …

-This was a fun little interview I did with the Rockford Register Star.

-I continued my work, writing for FitStudio.

-I became a FitFluential Ambassador.  Chief Execute Officer and Founder, Kelly Olexa asked for a blog post directed to those new to fitness.  This is what I came up with … Dear Young Fitness Friends.

-I had to say goodbye to a my good friends in California.

Good times. Good friends.

-Although it was hard, I was excited to head back “home” and get our babies closer to family.

The reason we came back to Illinois!

-Da Bears looked great early on.  Then Jay Cutler got hurt.  Then Da Bears started stinking up the joint.  Then I cried.

-Da Bulls showed A LOT of promise and I’m excited about their future.  D. Rose is a stud and he just signed a contract extension.  I smiled.

-The Cubs picked up Theo Epstein, which has many of us Cub fans really excited.  BUT, we are still the Cubs – so I only half smiled.

-After arriving in Illinois, I started training people out of my basement, continued training clients on-line, and have been busy giving basketball lessons and clinics.  I continue to add equipment to the basement, but here is what it looked like early on…

-My most “controversial” post/video of the year came when I posted a YouTube video, giving the reasons that I am not a fan of distance running (for most).  Check out the video for my more in depth reasoning for this.  But the short of it is; running is very high impact and very repetitive.  So, the main point is, EXCESSIVE running is what I am not a fan of.  However, “excessive,” may actually be less than you think…

I came across this article yesterday called, “America’s Scariest Fitness Trends.”  Check out fitness trend #2, as Rachel Cosgrove talks about some of things I mention in the above video.

Below is just one (of an infinite amount of options) example of how to more evenly spread the joint stress throughout the entire body when getting your cardio in.  Did I Beat My Previous Time?

-You know that I have to sneak in some basketball.  Here’s another basketball article that I wrote for iHoops… “5 Intermediate Strength Training Lifts for Basketball Players

-I’ve been so busy with life, babies, etc, that I haven’t played much b-ball lately.  But I’m back in a league and starting to play a little more again.  As I talk about in this post, My Body Is A Mess, I was not smart – the first time coming back to play, I ended up playing on back-to-back days and my body/blisters hated me all week…

My poor blisters!

Oh, and here are a couple updated pictures of Capri and Daxton…

And we had a pretty good deadliftingsession the other day.  They struggled with gripping the kettlebell and with mastering the hip hinge, but I think they’ll get it soon enough. ;)

There is a whole lot more that I could include, but I don’t want to make this too long.  In 2012 I look forward to helping you all with your health, performance, and physique goals.  I look forward to continue spending time with my family and friends.  And I look forward to ATTACKING my fitness goals as well!  Remember to write down a few of the BEHAVIORS that will lead you to your goals!

Speaking of behaviors and goals, what are yours in 2012?  Let me hear them.

My Body Is a Mess!

December 14, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

My bod is absolutely killing me.  I did something earlier in the week that wasn’t very smart.  I hadn’t played full court basketball in about 2 months.  I have a group of friend’s that get together for pick up ball on Sunday mornings.  Well, I’m usually giving basketball lessons on Sunday mornings.  But I received a call from one of my b-ball clients saying that he was sick and unable to make it to our lesson.  This opened up a time for me to get to the gym for some pick-up hoops.

My friend Aaron Sullivan opened up the gym for us and I got to see some friends that hadn’t seen in awhile.  Everyone lined up for a free throw.  First 5 to make their free throw was on one team, the second 5 to make their free throw was on the second team.  I ended up being on the team of my long time friend’s Mark Beachey and Jim Ryan.  My friend Jeb Blomquist and another guy that I didn’t know was on our team as well.  The “rules” were the usual … you win, you stay on the court.  Well, we won every game and ended up playing about 7 games.  Great, I hadn’t played in forever, and on my first time back I ended up playing 7 games.  It  was great to play with my old buddies again, but believe me when I tell you that my knees, and hip flexors, hamstrings, low back, etc etc. we’re very sore the next day.  And then maybe the worst part – the blisters on my feet were terrible! And this is only the half of it…

The next day I get a call from my friend, “Shinny.”  He has been calling me  for weeks to get me to play on his team (in a league) on Monday nights.  I’ve repeatedly turned him down as I’ve been busy with work and the twins.  But this time Shinny really gave it to me; “C’mon Danny, we need you!  We may only have 4 guys and we’re playing one of the best teams in the leauge!”  So I gave into him and drove down to Byron for the game.  I knew I was in trouble when my blisters were killing me while getting in warm-up shots and while doing some dribbling before the game started.  Long story short, I played the whole game (except for the couple minutes) and my right knee and my BLISTERS WERE KILLING ME.  We won the game easily and it was a lot of fun to play with Shinny and my college coach, Carl Armato.  But as I was driving home I  was thinking, “what the heck was I thinking!?!  Why’d I play on back to back nights after not playing in months!!!???!!!”  Here is a picture of what my bloodied socks looked like when I took my basketball shoes off…

Bloody (and dirty) socks - my poor feet/blisters!!!

When I woke up on Tuesday morning, I could barely walk.  The joints/muscles that I mentioned above were now hurting X 2.

Anyway, all of this brings me to my point; when you are hurting, doing nothing and just sitting on the couch all day to “rest and recover” is one of the worst things that you can do.  I talked more about this in an older post I made on this topic in THIS POST. I actually brought a foam roller with me to the game and rolled before the game, at half time, and immediately after the game.  After the 45 minute drive home from the game, I rolled again, and iced my knees.  The next day I performed a bunch of light “active recovery drills.”  When I lived in California I filmed an example of this…

Above, you see

-Goblet Squats


-RDL/Bent Over Row (hybrid)

-Wall Hip Flexor Mobilizations (to address my tight quads)

-Hip Thrusts

-Reverse Lunge with Twist

So, moral of the story – don’t be dumb like me and out of nowhere perform an intense, high impact activity on BACK-TO-BACK days when you haven’t done that activity in months!

Second moral – when are really sore, INCLUDE ACTIVE RECOVERY EXERCISES to get the body moving and blood flowing.  It will speed up the recovery process much faster than plopping on the couch all day, waiting for the pain to go away.

Do you have any favorite recovery methods after taking a beating from a tough training session(s)/game?  Let me  hear them…

My Upper Body Training Day (Back Emphasis)

December 10, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

I took video on a number of my sets from my upper body training session the other day.  I’m currently using an upper/lower split (2 days upper body, 2 days lower body).  For this training block I’m emphasis my back a touch.  I wouldn’t call a “back specialization” program.  Rather, I’m just giving my back a little more attention this program.  This is smart for a couple reasons…

-Most people (especially guys) spend a lot more time working the mirror muscles (chest) and seem to forget that they have a back side to their body

-Performing more sets up pushing exercises (bench press, incline press, etc) than pulling exercises (rows, chin-ups, etc) can contribute to poor posture and shoulder injuries.

Back in the day, she obviously spent too much time pushing, and not enough time pulling!

The video below is day 1 of my upper body day.  Day 1 is heavier low rep training.  While I perform my other upper body day on day 3 (days 2 & 4 are lower body sessions).  Day 3 is higher volume (more total reps, with the average set much higher in reps than day 1).

One thing I forgot to put in the “video notes,” is that after working up to the max weight on chin-ups, I then take ~20% off and perform 1 set of AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible).

So there you go, an inside look at one of my training sessions.

Are you giving the backside of your body the attention it deserves?

Until next time…

The Cliffs Notes Version of Great Fitness Information

December 6, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

I know most of your are not personal trainers/fitness coaches/strength & conditioning coaches (whatever you want to call me).  Therefore you don’t have all day to spend in front of the computer reading articles, attending seminars, or watching training/nutrition DVDs.  But at the same time, you want the best training and nutrition information that you can get your hands on.  No worries, that’s what I am here for (you can thank me later).  When I’m not actually training clients and myself, I DO spend a lot of time scouring the web for great fitness information that I can apply to help make me a better trainer to those that I work with.  With that said, here are some great little nuggets of of fitness tips that you can start applying right away en route to your fitness goals…

Eric Cressey made this blogpost a couple months back, and I’ve been meaning to share it with my readers – especially since winter is coming.  Here is the portion of his post, that I wanted you all to see:

“Warm-up – This seems like a no-brainer, but you’d be amazed at how many people jump right into their weight training program of the day without even getting their body temperature up. It’s well documented that performance improves as core body temperature rises.  However, as this study demonstrated, even a lowered skin temperature can decrease force output – independent of core body temperature.  So, it may be advantageous to start your day’s strength training program in long sleeves and remove layers as you go.  I prefer to see folks sweating by the time the warm-up ends; set aside at least ten minutes for it so that you can get some foam rolling and mobility drills in.”

More and more information is being gathered, suggesting that dental health may play a key role in overall health.  In Charles Poliquin’s recent blogpost, he states:

“Researchers found that individuals who had had their teeth cleaned and scaled once over that period reduced their risk of heart attack by 24 percent, and lowered stroke risk by 10 percent compared to those who never had their teeth professionally cleaned. Plus, the more frequently that participants had their teeth cleaned, the more of a reduction in heart attack risk they experienced.” And …

“The key to good oral health is frequent brushing and flossing—at least twice a day—and twice yearly dental visits for professional cleanings. Personal dental care will remove food and most of the bacteria that causes inflammation, but regular cleanings will help to ensure that your mouth is bacteria and inflammation free.”

Bottom line: As the cold winter approaches, dress in layers – warm-up with long sleeves, maybe a hat, and some sweats. As you start to break a sweat, feel free to start removing layers.
Step 1: Wear this before you break a sweat…

...and for after you break a sweat.

And be sure to take care of dental health.  It may just do wonders for your overall health.
Have a great week!

If you have friends or family members that can benefit from this information, be sure to share it and/or hit the like button below…

Dear Young Fitness Friends…

December 1, 2011 by danny · 4 Comments 

Every one of us that has been in this fitness game for any length of time, started off as a newbie.  In our early stages of fitness, we were eager to learn, but had no idea where to start.  I was the same way.  I loved playing sports as a kid, and as I hit my freshman year in high school, I also started to incorporate lifting weights “here and there.”  I loved it from the get-go, but really had no idea what I was doing.

Am I doing this right?

This led me to do some investigating; what are the best exercises?  Do I do a set of one exercise, rest and then do the same exercise?  Or do two different exercises, alternating back and fourth?  Cardio before weights, or the other way around?  How many days per week should I lift?  What are the best rep ranges?  And the more I looked into it, the more confused I got.  The “answer” to one question just led to whole new set of questions.  But then, things started to change for me.  I met a person that greatly influenced me.  His name is Cy Willson.  He was a guy at the local gym that was known for being very smart, with a very good physique.  One day I approached him with a few questions and he was more than happy to help me out.  He answered every e-mail that I sent him (100s of e-mails!!!) and even met with me one day to go over a notebook full of questions I had for him.

Cy also new Dr. John Berardi and told me that I should start reading some of his work.  So I did – and I learned a ton.  Dr. Berardi was also gracious enough to answer many questions that I had and I’ve since attended a few seminars that John has presented in.

I talk more about the coaches that have influenced the most, in THIS POST.

Since I’ve always been so appreciate of people like Cy and John, I feel it’s my duty to “pass it on” to people that are just getting involved in fitness and are a) not sure where to start, and/or b) looking for more information to help them achieve greater results.

With that said, here are seven tips to help the newbies get started on the right path in their fitness journey.

#1) Show Up

What’s a better exercise for your triceps – the close-grip bench press, or overhead tricep extensions?  It doesn’t matter at all if you don’t CONSISTENTLY get to the gym.  Showing up is the first step and probably the most important step.

#2) Keep A Training Log

It’s hard to know what’s working and what isn’t if you are just “winging it” every time you go to the gym.  Having a plan and recording your training sessions can teach you a lot.  And just as important, a training log is a huge for motivation.  Human nature has us wanting to outdo our previous performance.  Lets say that last Monday you totalled 24 chin-ups over the course of 4 sets.  Well, when next Monday rolls around and you have 18 total reps going into your final set, believe me, you are going to dig down a little deeper to be able to get 7 reps on that last set (for a total of 25 reps).

One. More. Rep.

#3) Form First

I tell my new clients the golden rule is, FORM FIRST.  I don’t want them to worry about adding weight until they’ve mastered form while using a full range of motion. It’s important for new trainees to put their bodies through many, many, many “perfect” reps to be able to get an idea of what the exercise should feel like.  Grooving that proper pattern is key.  Once this is mastered, there may be a little room for some “body english” from time to time.  But for staying healthy and performing optimally over the long haul – form first!

#4) Compound Movements

Exercises that use many muscles at one will get you results much faster than doing isolation exercise after isolation exercise.  It will also save you time and set you up for better results down the road.  Yes, there DEFINITELY is a time and place for isolation exercises (i.e. bicep curls).  But make compound movements (i.e. push-ups, chin-ups, deadlifts, squats) your staple – especially early on in your “career.”

#5) What You Drink Matters!

You can be “money” when it comes to the food that you put in your mouth.  But if you are not being equally as strict with what you drink, you may just have to kiss the idea of getting great results, good bye.  It’s very easy to guzzle down sugar filled drink after sugar filled drink without even realizing it.  So, be careful here.  Make water and green tea your staple beverage.

#6) Have Fun

Have fun while you are working out.  But just as importantly, enjoy life outside of the weight room (or track, or pool, or pilates studio, or wherever it is that you are working out).  I’ve always tried to make sure that I include cheat meals and fun – a few beers here and there, a pepperoni pizza, reese’s pieces, etc., from time to time.

Man I love these things!

But the key is, to get RIGHT BACK ON TRACK and truly treat this kind of behavior as a treat, NOT a staple.  Life is too short to be so strict and never enjoy a little fun here and there.  But it is also too short to be average.  So find that happy medium … work hard, but don’t be afraid to “play” from time-to-time.

#7) Have A Great Support Group

If you are really excited about making fitness a big part of your life, but your closest friends spend the majority of their time playing video games and smoking cigarettes, then chances are it’s just not going to happen for you.  There’s nothing like having a good training partner there to help hold you accountable, push you harder than you thought you could be pushed, and someone to enjoy your time with.  As I mentioned in #6, if you must have fun.  If you hate your experience in the gym, it probably won’t last.

So there you go my newbie fitness peeps – soon to be sexified fitness peeps.  My top tips to help you get started.  If you’re a veteran in this game and have some other greats tips for the newbies out there, let us see them in the comments section below.

And if you have any fitness friends looking for a place to start, feel free to share this (and/or hit the like the button below) with them.

You can find me on twitter @DannyMcLarty