My Upper Body Training Day (Back Emphasis)

December 10, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

I took video on a number of my sets from my upper body training session the other day.  I’m currently using an upper/lower split (2 days upper body, 2 days lower body).  For this training block I’m emphasis my back a touch.  I wouldn’t call a “back specialization” program.  Rather, I’m just giving my back a little more attention this program.  This is smart for a couple reasons…

-Most people (especially guys) spend a lot more time working the mirror muscles (chest) and seem to forget that they have a back side to their body

-Performing more sets up pushing exercises (bench press, incline press, etc) than pulling exercises (rows, chin-ups, etc) can contribute to poor posture and shoulder injuries.

Back in the day, she obviously spent too much time pushing, and not enough time pulling!

The video below is day 1 of my upper body day.  Day 1 is heavier low rep training.  While I perform my other upper body day on day 3 (days 2 & 4 are lower body sessions).  Day 3 is higher volume (more total reps, with the average set much higher in reps than day 1).

One thing I forgot to put in the “video notes,” is that after working up to the max weight on chin-ups, I then take ~20% off and perform 1 set of AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible).

So there you go, an inside look at one of my training sessions.

Are you giving the backside of your body the attention it deserves?

Until next time…

The Cliffs Notes Version of Great Fitness Information

December 6, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

I know most of your are not personal trainers/fitness coaches/strength & conditioning coaches (whatever you want to call me).  Therefore you don’t have all day to spend in front of the computer reading articles, attending seminars, or watching training/nutrition DVDs.  But at the same time, you want the best training and nutrition information that you can get your hands on.  No worries, that’s what I am here for (you can thank me later).  When I’m not actually training clients and myself, I DO spend a lot of time scouring the web for great fitness information that I can apply to help make me a better trainer to those that I work with.  With that said, here are some great little nuggets of of fitness tips that you can start applying right away en route to your fitness goals…

Eric Cressey made this blogpost a couple months back, and I’ve been meaning to share it with my readers – especially since winter is coming.  Here is the portion of his post, that I wanted you all to see:

“Warm-up – This seems like a no-brainer, but you’d be amazed at how many people jump right into their weight training program of the day without even getting their body temperature up. It’s well documented that performance improves as core body temperature rises.  However, as this study demonstrated, even a lowered skin temperature can decrease force output – independent of core body temperature.  So, it may be advantageous to start your day’s strength training program in long sleeves and remove layers as you go.  I prefer to see folks sweating by the time the warm-up ends; set aside at least ten minutes for it so that you can get some foam rolling and mobility drills in.”

More and more information is being gathered, suggesting that dental health may play a key role in overall health.  In Charles Poliquin’s recent blogpost, he states:

“Researchers found that individuals who had had their teeth cleaned and scaled once over that period reduced their risk of heart attack by 24 percent, and lowered stroke risk by 10 percent compared to those who never had their teeth professionally cleaned. Plus, the more frequently that participants had their teeth cleaned, the more of a reduction in heart attack risk they experienced.” And …

“The key to good oral health is frequent brushing and flossing—at least twice a day—and twice yearly dental visits for professional cleanings. Personal dental care will remove food and most of the bacteria that causes inflammation, but regular cleanings will help to ensure that your mouth is bacteria and inflammation free.”

Bottom line: As the cold winter approaches, dress in layers – warm-up with long sleeves, maybe a hat, and some sweats. As you start to break a sweat, feel free to start removing layers.
Step 1: Wear this before you break a sweat…

...and for after you break a sweat.

And be sure to take care of dental health.  It may just do wonders for your overall health.
Have a great week!

If you have friends or family members that can benefit from this information, be sure to share it and/or hit the like button below…

Dear Young Fitness Friends…

December 1, 2011 by danny · 4 Comments 

Every one of us that has been in this fitness game for any length of time, started off as a newbie.  In our early stages of fitness, we were eager to learn, but had no idea where to start.  I was the same way.  I loved playing sports as a kid, and as I hit my freshman year in high school, I also started to incorporate lifting weights “here and there.”  I loved it from the get-go, but really had no idea what I was doing.

Am I doing this right?

This led me to do some investigating; what are the best exercises?  Do I do a set of one exercise, rest and then do the same exercise?  Or do two different exercises, alternating back and fourth?  Cardio before weights, or the other way around?  How many days per week should I lift?  What are the best rep ranges?  And the more I looked into it, the more confused I got.  The “answer” to one question just led to whole new set of questions.  But then, things started to change for me.  I met a person that greatly influenced me.  His name is Cy Willson.  He was a guy at the local gym that was known for being very smart, with a very good physique.  One day I approached him with a few questions and he was more than happy to help me out.  He answered every e-mail that I sent him (100s of e-mails!!!) and even met with me one day to go over a notebook full of questions I had for him.

Cy also new Dr. John Berardi and told me that I should start reading some of his work.  So I did – and I learned a ton.  Dr. Berardi was also gracious enough to answer many questions that I had and I’ve since attended a few seminars that John has presented in.

I talk more about the coaches that have influenced the most, in THIS POST.

Since I’ve always been so appreciate of people like Cy and John, I feel it’s my duty to “pass it on” to people that are just getting involved in fitness and are a) not sure where to start, and/or b) looking for more information to help them achieve greater results.

With that said, here are seven tips to help the newbies get started on the right path in their fitness journey.

#1) Show Up

What’s a better exercise for your triceps – the close-grip bench press, or overhead tricep extensions?  It doesn’t matter at all if you don’t CONSISTENTLY get to the gym.  Showing up is the first step and probably the most important step.

#2) Keep A Training Log

It’s hard to know what’s working and what isn’t if you are just “winging it” every time you go to the gym.  Having a plan and recording your training sessions can teach you a lot.  And just as important, a training log is a huge for motivation.  Human nature has us wanting to outdo our previous performance.  Lets say that last Monday you totalled 24 chin-ups over the course of 4 sets.  Well, when next Monday rolls around and you have 18 total reps going into your final set, believe me, you are going to dig down a little deeper to be able to get 7 reps on that last set (for a total of 25 reps).

One. More. Rep.

#3) Form First

I tell my new clients the golden rule is, FORM FIRST.  I don’t want them to worry about adding weight until they’ve mastered form while using a full range of motion. It’s important for new trainees to put their bodies through many, many, many “perfect” reps to be able to get an idea of what the exercise should feel like.  Grooving that proper pattern is key.  Once this is mastered, there may be a little room for some “body english” from time to time.  But for staying healthy and performing optimally over the long haul – form first!

#4) Compound Movements

Exercises that use many muscles at one will get you results much faster than doing isolation exercise after isolation exercise.  It will also save you time and set you up for better results down the road.  Yes, there DEFINITELY is a time and place for isolation exercises (i.e. bicep curls).  But make compound movements (i.e. push-ups, chin-ups, deadlifts, squats) your staple – especially early on in your “career.”

#5) What You Drink Matters!

You can be “money” when it comes to the food that you put in your mouth.  But if you are not being equally as strict with what you drink, you may just have to kiss the idea of getting great results, good bye.  It’s very easy to guzzle down sugar filled drink after sugar filled drink without even realizing it.  So, be careful here.  Make water and green tea your staple beverage.

#6) Have Fun

Have fun while you are working out.  But just as importantly, enjoy life outside of the weight room (or track, or pool, or pilates studio, or wherever it is that you are working out).  I’ve always tried to make sure that I include cheat meals and fun – a few beers here and there, a pepperoni pizza, reese’s pieces, etc., from time to time.

Man I love these things!

But the key is, to get RIGHT BACK ON TRACK and truly treat this kind of behavior as a treat, NOT a staple.  Life is too short to be so strict and never enjoy a little fun here and there.  But it is also too short to be average.  So find that happy medium … work hard, but don’t be afraid to “play” from time-to-time.

#7) Have A Great Support Group

If you are really excited about making fitness a big part of your life, but your closest friends spend the majority of their time playing video games and smoking cigarettes, then chances are it’s just not going to happen for you.  There’s nothing like having a good training partner there to help hold you accountable, push you harder than you thought you could be pushed, and someone to enjoy your time with.  As I mentioned in #6, if you must have fun.  If you hate your experience in the gym, it probably won’t last.

So there you go my newbie fitness peeps – soon to be sexified fitness peeps.  My top tips to help you get started.  If you’re a veteran in this game and have some other greats tips for the newbies out there, let us see them in the comments section below.

And if you have any fitness friends looking for a place to start, feel free to share this (and/or hit the like the button below) with them.

You can find me on twitter @DannyMcLarty

Nothing Beats In The Trenches Experience!

November 29, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

In the fitness world, science can be very beneficial.  Science has helped advance the field and will continue to do so in the years to come.  However, it is not without its limitations.  The results obtained by researchers may give them X, Y, or Z results – in the setting that the research was conducted.  However, not every study ever performed was designed to meet your particular needs in your exact situation.

Another thing about research/science; there is still a ton to be tested.  We’ve all formed an opinion based on what we’ve observed with our training and nutrition (and/or while working with our clients).  And we didn’t have to wait for a study to be conducted to form this opinion.  This is where “in the trenches” experience sometimes trumps science.

With that said, I contacted a handful of Coaches that have logged thousands of hours working with their own guinea pigs.  This in the trenches experience has left each of them with training and nutrition information that you just won’t find from the white coats.

Nate Miyaki:

Danny: Nate, when it comes to nutrition, what is the biggest mistake that you see from most trainees that are trying to add muscle?

Nate: “I think the biggest mistake is the low-carb trend.  Research has shown that for the obese, sedentary, and insulin resistant/type II diabetic populations, low-carb plans are the most effective approach.  These populations should follow a Paleo-style plan 100%.

The active, anaerobic athlete whose primary goal is physique enhancement should add back in a select few, low fructose, non-”anti-nutrient” containing carbohydrates to support their training and recovery demands.  Recommendations include potatoes, rice, and yams/sweet potatoes.

Sweet Potatoes Do The Body Good!

Still most modern foods like sugar, dairy, bread, juices, and whole grains (as are typical in many physique athletes’ plans) remain off-limits to avoid the host of metabolic, hormonal, and digestive diseases associated with modern eating.”

Bret Contreras:

Danny: Bret, what is THE biggest mistake individuals make when trying to improve their glutes?

Bret: “This one is easy! The biggest problem is that they’re not activating their glutes sufficiently. The gluteus maximus is a strange muscle. It’s always trying to find a reason to shut down and go to sleep. Any lower body injury or pain will shut it down, any activity that’s easy will not activate it sufficiently, and quite often people are performing great glute exercises but aren’t activating them properly throughout the movements. For example, you can squat and lunge while using mostly quad and erector, and you can deadlift and bridge by using mostly erector and hammy. When people learn to activate their glutes properly and master the feel of strong glute contractions, they’ll begin to heavily incorporate their glutes into all of their lower body movement patterns, including squats, deadlifts, good mornings, lunges, hip thrusts, back extensions, and even planks.

A Few of Bret's Clients

Many readers have seen all of my Youtube videos of strong girls and athletes moving heavy weight on their glute exercises, but they don’t start out that way. Most of my clients start out with bodyweight squatting and bridging and I have to work hard to get them to sit back, keep their knees tracking over their toes, utilize proper lumbopelvic mechanics, push through the feet properly, and symmetrically activate the glutes. Once all of these are happening, then I add load. After around six weeks clients almost always boast about how well their glutes work during their sessions.”

Tim Henriques:

Danny: Tim, what is THE biggest training mistake made by the “intermediate” lifter that is trying to add muscle?

Tim: “I would say the biggest mistake an intermediate lifter makes (excluding simply not training hard, because if you aren’t doing that it doesn’t matter what soviet bloc routine you are on) is that they get decent results with one method and they just stick with it too long.  They become HIT guys or Westside Guys or DC guys or Kettlebell guys or whatever.  To build muscle to you want to stimulate the muscle as much as possible in a variety of ways.  You want to do some serious strength training but don’t focus exclusively on that.  You should try some higher rep stuff but don’t focus exclusively on that.  And a good chunk of time should be spent on the intermediate modalities.  A simple guideline is train 25% of the time for strength (high weight, low reps), to train 25% of the time for endurance (lower weight, higher reps – as in 20 or so), and to train about 50% of the time in the traditional size building zone (moderate weight, moderate reps, high volume).  Personally I had good success following a HIT routine for 6 weeks (1 all out set on the exercises), a Westside routine for 8-10 weeks, and then a more classic traditional bodybuilding routine for 6-10 weeks and then just rotating through them again.  Do several rounds of that and you will be bigger and stronger no doubt about it.

I would also add that a close second mistake is that the intermediate level lifters should start to understand their bodies and start to figure out what works and what doesn’t.  Tricep pushdowns might give you big triceps or they might not.  Same with dips and close-grip bench press.  Don’t just perform an exercise forever because some expert said it would do something for you, give it a fair test (2-4 months) and see what happens.  If you don’t get any measurable results from that exercise, drop it and try something else.

The Power of a Good Training Environment!

Finally try to surround yourself with like-minded individuals that have similar goals and train their ass off.  Don’t underestimate the power of training in a productive environment with strong social support.  The “me against the world” mentality is nice for a while but it gets old real quick and you only have so much energy, better to use that energy to create a good environment then always fight a bad one.”

Danny McLarty:

Next I contacted this really good-looking guy, Danny McLarty.  Since I’m used to talking to myself, the conversation went really smooth!

Danny: What do you find is the biggest mistake made by trainees trying to take their physique to the “next level?”

Danny: “In my mind, there is no doubt the biggest mistake that most people make, is that fact that they change their goals far too often.  We all want to have the strength of an NFL linebacker, while having 2.4 percent body fat, while training to knock out GSP, while having so much muscle that we make the average human being  look like Christian Bale in the Machinist.

But that just ain’t happenin’.  Pick a goal and STAY WITH IT long enough to see it come to fruition.  As the great Dan John says, ‘the goal is to keep the goal the goal.’

Don’t go try to get as HYOOGE as possible one week, only to decide it’s time to get shredded the next.  Pick one goal, focus all your efforts on this goal, and kick some ass while you are at it!”

Dr. Clay Hyght:

Danny: What is the biggest nutrition mistake made by the individual trying to lose fat?

Dr. Clay: “From what I’ve seen, by FAR what holds most well-intentioned dieters back is failing to adhere to a very specific plan.  People tend to do things like “eat well” or “eat less carbs” and so on.  But if you ask them “how many grams of carbs are you eating?” they don’t know exactly.

How Many Calories Did You REALLY Just Put In Your Body?

One must first have a specific plan.  For example, “have 150 grams of carbs on days I lift weights.”  Then to make sure that actually happens, write down EXACTLY how many carbs you consume.  After a couple weeks, you’ll know if that’s gonna work or not and you can tweak from there.  (Of course the same goes for protein and fat.)”

Science is great, and I know it has influenced each one of us involved in this Q and A.  But NOTHING is more helpful than experience training people in real live situations.  Many people say that knowledge is power.  I disagree – knowledge is information, applied knowledge is power.  In this article, you have information that you can APPLY right away.  Do so and go take your physique to the next level!

If you have any tips that you have found to be particular beneficial in your training/nutrition plans, let us hear them in the comments section below.

If you’re on twitter, you can find me @DannyMcLarty

Your Healthy Reminder: Don’t Forget This!

November 16, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

As I’ve talked about previously, there are a number of reasons to workout and eat healthy…

The hard work is worth it!

-To improve performance

-To look better to attract others

-To look better to feel good and confident about yourself

-The high that often comes from a good, hard training session

-Improve energy

-Reduce stress (this is huge factor for many people!)

-To reduce the risk of all kinds of health problems

Now, the last one I mentioned unfortunately is the an afterthought for many people.  But it should be high on the “reason to workout/eat healthy,” list.  A couple reminders of why this is so important…

The Real “Main Reason” to Workout – This was a blogpost that I did awhile back talking about a guy that I used to train in California (currently training him on-line).  When he came to see me, things looked bleak.  His doctor told him that he was 48 seconds (give or take a few weeks) away from developing diabetes. and had a bunch of “red flags” when the doc checked all of his numbers (cholesterol, glucose levels, etc, etc).  Anyway, this all GREATLY changed after a few months of good, hard training, and much improved eating.

It’s All Muscle Mark Young talks about how dangerous it is to carry around a bunch of abdominal fat, shows us some scary pictures (like what a “fat” heart looks like), and basically scares the bejesus out of us.

Sometimes fear can be a good thing.

Now, I do want to point out once again – if you are currently not living a very “clean” life, it doesn’t have to miserable and boring to workout and eat healthy.  For example, you best believe that I’ll be having some fun with friends and family over Thanksgiving week (i.e. beer will be consumed, mashed potatoes will be consumed, and I plan on eating 4 pumpkin pies… not pieces, pies).  Work hard, be disciplined, be consistent, and PICK YOUR SPOTS when it comes time to getting a little crazy.  If you hop RIGHT BACK ON the clean living wagon, it’ll be all good.  Scroll up and review the benefits of training and a solid nutrition plan, they’re well worth it!

Feel free to click the like button below and share this with your friends.

Follow me on Twitter >>> @DannyMcLarty

FitStudio Gear

November 10, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

My peeps from FitStudio just put together a new equipment page… also known as the “Gear Page.”

There are a bunch of goodies to choose from!  But I’ll briefly go over 3 on top of my list.   These items are especially beneficial to me due to the fact that I am currently training people out of my home gym.  This means I need equipment that allows them to perform many different exercises, without taking up a lot of space.  So, if you are setting up your own home gym, hopefully this blogpost will help give you some ideas.

#1) Weighted Vest – Use the vest for a variety of exercises such as 1-leg squats, chin/pull-ups, jump squats, bulgarian split squats, push-ups, and more.

#2) Power Switch Weight Set – In a smaller area, this is a great way to save space while still being to use an entire dumbbell set!

#3) Medicine Balls – We use them for different throws to improve power, as well as part of a “cardio circuit.”

Here’s a video with medicine balls throws included… Get It Twisted.

And here’s Carson and I using the medicine ball as part of a cardio circuit (“medicine ball slams”) …

Again, check out the FitStudio “Gear” page to find great products at reasonable prices, that best fit your needs.

What equipment is high your wish list?

Follow Me On Twitter >>> @DannyMcLarty

What Did I Eat Today?

November 4, 2011 by danny · 6 Comments 

Over the last few days I’ve been, well, less than perfect with my eating.  I walked by the Halloween candy we had in our house about 376 times, and I dug my hand into that pile more than once.  And then last night after I lifted in my home gym, my post-workout meal was a mix of count chocula + cheerios + almond milk with a little protein powder sprinkled in there.

Don’t get me wrong, I still incorporated a lot of protein, veggies, and healthy fats throughout the day.  BUT, I did cheat more than I should have.

This is the key to success in this health and physique “game” >>> If you get back on track right away, a little cheating here and there is perfectly fine. Problems arise when a bad night of drinking beer and scarfing down pizza turns into a pancake and syrup infested morning, followed by a quick run to Micky D’s for lunch, and finished off with a family dinner at Olive Garden where you start with 14 breadsticks as your appetizer.  Moderation, moderation, moderation!  Let’s just not forget what moderation really is… i.e. don’t kid yourself into thinking that cheating 50% of the time = moderation.

Tell Others About Your Goals.  Don’t Keep It To Yourself.

Since I splurged a bit over the last couple days, I told myself that I would not put one thing in my body that even resembled a cheat food.  I walked by that Halloween candy pile another 34 times, but didn’t give in to temptation once.  Another motivating factor was the fact that I knew I was going to blog about what I ate today and didn’t want to look bad when I logged this for you all to read.  Sometimes “putting it out there” is great motivation and can be a very powerful tool in helping you drop a few pounds (or whatever your goal is).  I know not all of you have a website to share this kind of info, but try something like this; when you start your fitness and nutrition plan, tell a few (or many) people close to you and let them know that YOU ARE GOING to reach your goal.  That way, if you give up or don’t hit your goal, you also feel like you are letting them down.  It’s a great way to help hold yourself accountable.

Believe it or not, you (my readers) helped hold me accountable today.  Again, I knew I was going to be blogging about this later in the day and that REALLY helped me walk away from the Halloween candy.  So thanks for the help my peeps! :)

What I Ate On This “Bounce Back Day”

First Feeding #1

- ~ 1 cup of oatmeal

-apple slices mixed in

- ~ 1/4 scoop of chocolate protein powder (cinnamon added)

-4 whole eggs

Supplements: 1 fish oil capsule (just under a gram of combined EPA/DHA) + 1 Vitamin D Capsule (1000 IUs)

Green Tea with 1 tsp of creatine (sometime between feeding #1 and #2)

Feeding #2

- ~ 3 ounces of steak (grass-fed)

- ~ 3 ounces of turkey

- 1 small/medium red potato

- green beens + broccoli (organic)

Snacked on a YouBar as I was driving around doing some errands.

Feeding #3

- ~ 8 ounces of beef (grass-fed)

-2 Ezekiel English Muffins with almond butter spread on them

-green beens + broccoli

- ~ 10 almonds

Supplements – 1 tsp Carlson Liquid Fish Oil (lemon flavored) (1.3 grams combined EPA/DHA)

Feeding #4

-2 scoops whey protein powder (chocolate)

-2 strawberries + a handful of raspberries (both organic)

- ~ big spoonful of almond butter

-1 scoop of Superfood (veggie powder)

All mixed into a blender – tasty!

On top of this I had a bunch of water all day.

So there you have it, a typical day of what I eat.

Look similar to what you put down your pie hole on a daily basis?  You eat cleaner than me?  Does a day in my eating life look WAAAAY more clean than yours?  Let me know!

And don’t forget the above message… put your goals out there for others to hear.  It will really help you stick with it!

Follow me on twitter >>> @DannyMcLarty

Bench Press – The Greatest Exercise of ALL TIME!

November 1, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

If you I really believe that I think the bench press is the greatest exercise of all time, I have three words for you; YOU SO CRAZY!

I actually think that the bench press is THE most overrated exercise of ALL TIME!  Now, I didn’t say the worst exercise.  I said the most overrated exercise.  How could I say this?  This is how… the average male lifter does 1235 reps on the bench press for every 1 rep he does performing a row variation (that fact came out of a study done in Ontario, Canada.  Look it up – just go to to find the study – yes four o’s***); the average human being sits in front of the computer all day, and/or drives in their car quite a bit, and/or sits on their butt in front of the tv all day, therefore excessive pressing doesn’t help this imbalance that “life” has created; the average guy thinks the bench press PR is all that really counts in the weight room, but doesn’t even know how to perform an ass-to-grass squat.

As you can see, the bench press IS overrated, when it comes to the average gym-goer (don’t be average, people!).  As I mentioned above, I do NOT think it is the worst exercise however.  I don’t even think it is a bad exercise… when performed properly.  That’s the other problem, most people don’t perform the bench with proper form to, 1) get the most out of the lift, and 2) keep the shoulders healthy.  With all that said, I know just about every guy out there will perform the bench press no matter what I say.  So, you might as well do it with proper form.  Lets get to form…

First, here’s the wrong way to bench…

Bench Press Dont’s (as mentioned in the video):

-Don’t let your shoulder blades protract (keep them RETRACTED throughout the set)

-Don’t put your feet out in front of your knees, as this flattens the back.  You should arch your low back and PUFF up your chest to reduce the distance that the bar has to travel.  If the elbows travel too far down below your torso (like when your low back is flat), it puts undue stress on the shoulders.  And I’m not saying that the average lifter needs an excessive arch like you see in the set up of a powerlifter …

-Don’t flare your elbows.  ”Tuck” them so that they are about 45 degrees relative to your torso.

And here, you’ll see what a proper bench press looks like…

The cues that I gave in the video (the words flashing across your screen) are the basics for a proper bench press.  There are more little subtleties that we could go over, but if you follow these basics you’ll be well on your way to a bigger bench and healthier shoulders.

If your interpretation of this blog post is; “Danny McLarty doesn’t like the bench press.  He thinks it is a bad exercise,” you’re wrong.  I like the bench press. I just do not like the volume that most people use with it.  I also don’t like the overemphasis most people place on the bench press.  I don’t like the shotty technique that most people have when benching.  And I don’t like the fact that most people (dudes) are more likely to perform a 13th set of bench pressing RATHER THAN include deadlifts, squats, and rows (to name a few great choices).

In the end, if you are going to bench press, make sure to; be careful with the volume, use proper technique, and make sure that you are getting in plenty of rowing and other great BIG-boy movements.

***Ok, I lied about that Ontario, Canada study.  But you get the point!  And you didn’t really go look up did you!?!  Did you?

Are any of you “bench press freaks” that just can’t get enough?  Or former (recovering ;) ) bench press freaks?  If so, how did you modify your training?

Make sure to hit me up on twitter. I’ll see you next time…

An Interview with Jen Comas Keck: Girl Gone Strong

October 27, 2011 by danny · 9 Comments 

I have a GREAT interview for you today.  I tracked down Jen Comas Keck, and not surprisingly, she delivered in a big way. Jen is a great inspiration to all the females out there (and to many males as well)!  Jen puts a big emphasis on weight training, which has been a key factor in achieving her outstanding physique.  She proves that females can lift hard and heavy, and still look feminine and beautiful.  With that said, lets get to it…

1)   Jen, what got you involved with fitness?

I was insanely lazy when I was a teenager. I was a book worm and all I wanted to do was read and eat junk food. I despised the idea of doing anything physically active. While I had nearly straight A’s in every class, I failed gym class not once, but twice! I started packing on the pounds and when I was 17 years old somebody that I was very close to looked me in the eyes one day and said, “Ya know, you’re getting kinda fat.” I was completely devastated and cried my eyes out. The next day I begged my mom to help me get a membership to the gym, to which she obliged. I didn’t have a clue as to where I should begin, so I started taking aerobics classes. I was intimidated by the people in the weight room, so I’d go back to the gym around 8 or 9pm when nobody was there and I’d mess around with the machines and the weights. I initially fell in love with group fitness classes, so much so that I started instructing. I taught every class you could ever think of while living in Las Vegas, up to 13 classes per week, and had the time of my life! I decided I also wanted to work with people individually and got my personal trainer certification from NASM and started training clients, which I also loved. I’ve always been eager to challenge myself which led me to my first Figure competition and that is when I fell in love with strength training.

2)   What are some of the early training mistakes that you made?

The biggest mistake I made was doing way too much cardio, thinking it would melt fat off of my body. I was cranking out around 5 hours of cardio a day for an entire year while I was teaching classes, and I think I lost a whopping total of 2 pounds!

3)   And how did you modify your training to “turn things around” with your physique?

Late 2008 is when I did my first Figure show and I became obsessed with strength training. In early 2009, I abandoned all cardio and starting following DeFranco’s Westside for Skinny Bastards program. This is an awesome and simple to follow program that is geared towards gaining strength. It is centered around the “three big lifts”, which are squat, bench and deadlift. I gained a ton of strength, lost significant body fat and realized that this style of training is the golden ticket to a nice physique.

4)   What do you consider to be a couple of the biggest mistakes that females make in regards to their training and nutrition?

Most females make the same big mistakes that I made. They think that cardio will get them their dream body, and they think that they can out-train a poor diet. Neither has an ounce of truth. I feel like the paradigm is slowly starting to shift and women are starting to see that that an ideal physique is created in the weight room… not on the cardio machines or in the classes! In regards to nutrition, women make the mistake of under eating, and it’s all of the wrong foods – too many carbs, not enough protein or veggies, and too many processed foods like granola bars and yogurt. If I could offer just two pieces of nutrition advice for women, they would be:

1. Eat whole, unprocessed foods.

2. Eat vegetables with every single meal, no exceptions.

5)   Alright, lets have a little fun…

-What’s the one cheat food that you have a hard time saying no to?  And how do you avoid “going there” too often?

I have the world’s biggest sweet tooth! My favorite thing in the world is probably carrot cake, with cinnamon rolls coming in a close second. However, I have recently eliminated gluten from my diet, which has caused my new obsession to be chocolate covered nuts. Whole Foods has chocolate covered pecans and they are so good that I dream about them! I never keep foods that are “off limits” in our house so I don’t have the option to consume them without planning for it.

-Speaking of food, I know you have a ton of great, healthy recipes.  Care to share one of your favorites with us?

Yes! I’m very passionate about making clean treats to keep people sane while dieting. I also like to create delicious stuff in hopes that people will offer these to their children instead of sugary candy and cookies. I have so many recipes that I love, but I think my favorite is the pumpkin muffins. They are perfect right now for fall and delicious topped with natural peanut butter. They are gluten, dairy and sugar free, and I swear that you’d never know it!

-What is the one exercise that pumps you up the most to perform?

Deadlifts! They are, what I feel to be, the most bang for your buck. They work every muscle in your body and make you stronger overall. If somebody was only going to do one of the three big lifts, I’d highly recommend the deadlift. Something about locking out a heavy deadlift just feels so good and empowering!

-What is the one exercise that you dread to perform – but of course, you do it anyway, right?

Uh oh! Getting called out on this one! ;) Truthfully, I hate to squat. I always have. Of course I force myself to do it albeit not as often as I probably should, which is why I’m pretty awful at them.

-As you walk onto the stage in a competition you have people in the crowd and all the judges, well, judging you; what area of your body do you feel best about?

My mom has the most beautiful legs I’ve ever seen and lucky for me she passed her genetics on down. That, paired with the fact that I absolutely hammer my legs twice per week, has blessed me with a set of legs that I’m pretty proud of.

And we all have that one area that just won’t cooperate the way want it to.  Yours is?

Without doubt, it’s my midsection. My legs and back stay pretty lean, even if my weight swings upwards about 10 pounds, but in order for my abs to be visible, I’ve got to be around or below 15%  .

6) Switching gears to the performance side of things, what are your current PRs (Personal Records) in the:

-Deadlift – 295 (it just kills me that I didn’t go for 300 that day!)

-Bench Press – 145. I’ve attempted 150 twice over the last 6 months and barely missed it both times. 150 will be mine before this year is over!

(Danny’s Note: A few hours after we finished up this interview, Jen sent me an e-mail saying that she hit 15o pounds in the bench press!  Wow, talk about the power of putting a goal in writing – nice job Jen!)

-Squat – 215. I haven’t tested my squat max in about a year, so this is from last November.

7) What does your future in the field of fitness look like for you?  Where can the readers find out more about you, Jen?

I have a fitness bucket list that seems to keep growing! There is so much I want to do. I am definitely planning on participating in Tri-Fitness next fall, and I can see myself doing some type of Strongwoman event and/or Powerlifting meet in the interim.

On another similar topic, I’ve recently teamed up with 6 amazing and strong females to create a women’s mastermind strength group called, “Girls Gone Strong”. We plan on putting on seminars & workshops, educating women on strength training and building a strong female network and support system. Our website should be up by the beginning of next year.

To find out more about me, you can visit my website , where I have all of my recipes, articles and interviews posted. You can also find my daily training log on, hear me ramble in 140 characters on Twitter, or find me either at or under our female strength fan page which is

Danny’s Note – It is GREAT to see females like Jen passing on the message that embracing weight training will not make a girl “too big.”  And that when done properly with progressive overload (and a solid nutrition plan), weight training plays a HUGE role in building a healthy and attractive female body!  Girls like Jen have been a big inspiration to some of my young female clients over the years.  Here’s a video of my client Coco, lifting 300 pounds in the rack pull…

One less female that we have to worry about becoming a “cardio queen!” :)

Thanks for the interview, Jen!

For more training, nutrition, and basketball information, you can find Danny on Twitter.

Cardio: Did I Beat My Previous Time?

October 25, 2011 by danny · 2 Comments 

A couple weeks back I did a blogpost going over my cardio session.  I explained the “inverted ladder” and got part of it on video.  Well, the other day I repeated the SAME EXACT ladder, in attempt to improve my time.  And I know y’all have been on the edge of your seats in anticipation – waiting to find out if I improved.  In case you missed the video from my first attempt at this inverted ladder cardio session, here it is …

In week 1, I completed the entire ladder in 7:09.  And in my 2nd attempt, I did it in 7:01.  As you can see, I shaved 8 seconds off of my time.  When I repeat it a 3rd time, I’ll go for 7:00 or faster.


Each time you head to the gym for your training session, that is exactly what your goal should be… making improvement each and every time!  Even if that improve seems minuscule, it is still improving, meaning that you are heading in the right direction.  A little + a little + a little, ends up to be A LOT down the road.

When I train clients, quite often they are disappointed when they only beat their previous week’s numbers by 1 rep.  I tell them; “No, that is great!  Even if you end up improving by 1 or 2 reps on each day of the training program, in the end that is going to be VERY significant improvement!”  Example:

Your program calls for 4 X AMRAP chin-ups (that 4 sets of As Many Reps As Possible)

Week 1 you get 10 reps, 9 reps, 9 reps, 7 reps (total of 35 reps)

Week 2 you get 10, 9, 9, 8 (total of 36 reps. “Only” 1 rep better)

Week 3 you get 10, 10, 9, 9 (total of 38 reps)

Week 4 you get 10, 10, 10, 9 (total of 39 reps)

So, over the course of the 4-week program, you just improved by 4 reps.  Again, significant!  So, small improvements from week to week REALLY add up.  And by the way, IF you are making HYOOGE improvements from week to week, then I question your effort.  Lets say you went from 22 total reps on week 1, to 35 total reps on week 4.  When I see a client do this, it makes me think that they were sandbagging it on week 1.

The only time that I think really BIG jumps in numbers are ok in that short of a time-frame, is if you are just learning a new movement in week 1, and don’t want to push it too much due to the fact that you don’t really have it “figured out” yet.

Moral Of The Story

Make each training session a competition and try to improve each and every time… no matter how small the improvements seem to be.  Just make sure that are you being honest, and continue to use good form and a full range of motion (i.e. if you ended up adding 3 additional push-ups on week 2, but didn’t go down all the way to the floor, that is NOT improvement.  You cheater! ;) )                   

Is this a new concept to you?  I mean, do you just randomly go from session to session without any real purpose?  Or do you set it up where you try to beat your numbers from week to week?  I’m curious to hear what you have to say, so let me know in the comments section below…