50 Commandments, A Smarter Way, and a Great Looking Gym!

August 12, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

Today, I’m just here to briefly share some good stuff with you…

The 50 Commandments of Commercial Gym Etiquette by Bret Contreras - This is a hilarious read.  But those of us that have spent any time in a commercial gym can relate to pretty much each and every commandment.  There should be a handout that each new gym member receives when starting their membership at a commercial gym! :)

Nick Tumminello is known for NOT settling.  Here, he takes a basic leg swing and makes it more effective (and making it safer by reducing torque on the lumbar spine).

Mike Robertson and Bill Hartman just moved their gym, IFAST, to a new location.  Here’s a picture of the finished product…

I think it looks great!  If I end up opening a gym in Illinois I’d want my place to have a similar look  - squat racks, dumbbells, barbells, and a few fun “extras” like chains, the prowler, a glute-ham raise, and some battling ropes, to a name a few.

Speaking of Illinois, I better stop the post right now as my wife is giving me the evil eye – and that means I better get back to packing…


Female. 300 Pound Rack Pull. Studette.

August 9, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

My client, Coco, nailed a 300 pound rack pull earlier today.  She’s a studette.

That’s all.

You can also find me on facebook and twitter.


Exercise of the Week – Anderson Front Squats

August 1, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

This exercise is a killer… Anderson Front Squats.  ”Anderson Squats” are usually done with the bar on your back.  But in this version, you rack the back across your shoulders, as you would in a traditional front squat.

You can set the pins as low as you want.  The lower the harder, but make sure to set them at a depth that allows you to keep form (abs tight, weight on your heels, chest tall, etc).  In traditional squats, as you descend, the tendons will store energy and assist the muscles on the concentric portion (the way up) of the lift.  By unloading the bar on the pins for a second, this “stretch-shortening cycle” is reduced (or eliminated if you rest the bar on the pins long enough) making it so the muscles will have to do more work.  It is kind of like a deadlift in this sense – you let the bar rest on the ground for a second before going into the next rep.  The big different here is that Anderson Squats are more quad dominant, whereas deadlifts are more hip dominant (unless you purposely lean forward with Anderson Squats to bring the glutes/hams into play more).

When first trying these, start off light as they can be humbling!  But they are great for your quads, your core, and will help with your posture.  Did I say they are great for your quads? :)

Give them a try, and um, “enjoy,” as they are oh-so-fun!

My Split Is The Best Body Part Split Ever Splitted! Plus, A Sample Training Day Inside…

July 26, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

OR, should the title read; My Split Is The Best Body Part Split Ever Splat?  I’m not sure.  Proper grammar is not my strong point.  What is my strong point however, is my unreal program design!  If you haven’t already checked out my article, Breaking The Rules,” but sure to do so.  In it, you’ll see that I am currently using a body part split, even though my time is very limited.  Usually I’d recommend full body training when life is as crazy as mine is right now (thank you twins).  But I decided to break the rules, because I’m crazy like that.

Anyway, here is a sample training day of one of my current body part splits …

Sternocleidomastoid & Biceps Femoris (Short Head )Day

As mentioned above, you can read the reasons I’m going with a body part split right now even though I don’t have much time to train these days.  Therefore, I won’t get into the reasons for going body part split in this post.  I will however, tell you why I chose to go with the sternocleidomastoid and biceps femoris short head day… besides the obvious – and that is, because I think of and execute brilliant plans.  Things that others would never be able to come up with in 100 years!  Readers, PLEASE leave a comment in the comments section below.  I want to hear from you; do you think I should start working on my book (Titled: “How to REALLY Break Down Body Part Splits, and Make Them Work For You”)?  Or should I let the anticipation build, and wait awhile before I release the book?

Now that you all truly understand how awesome I am, let me highlight the bold points, as far as what makes this split SO effective…

-The sternocleidomastoid and biceps femoris are non-competing muscles.  This allows me to go back and fourth between the two muscles so that one exercise doesn’t “interfere” with the other.

-They are relatively small body parts, so the workout is incredibly easy!

-Because the body parts are relatively small and don’t need much recovery time between sets, I can finish the workout in less than 8 minutes.

-No one else in the gym is using a similar split, so this alone separates me from the pack.

Ok, let me stop right here.  I just hope no one stopped reading this blogpost before reading this line.  Because if they did they’d probably think I was a bigger jackass than Steve-O!

Obviously going with a sternocleidomastoid and biceps femoris (short head) day would be pretty ridiculous (but I had you thinking that I was really using that split – didn’t I!?!).  So, let me give you an example of one of the days that I  am REALLY using…

Triceps + “Posterior Chain” Day

A1) Close-Grip Bench Press – 5 X 5

A2) Hip Thrust 4 sets (2 X 5, 1 X 10 and 1 set of 1-leg body weight X AMRAP)

B1) Decline DB Skull Crushers – 2 X 15

B2) 1-leg Swiss Ball Leg Curl – 2 X 15

Everyone of my training sessions takes me about 20 minutes (not counting warm-up and post-workout stretching).  This is NOT my norm, but for the reasons mentioned in the article, this fits the bill perfectly for the time being!

There you go, a look into my current training program.  Sometimes you have to modify your training when life “gets in the way.”  Nothing wrong with that!

Breaking the Rules

July 19, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

I’ve contributed a few articles now to a great  fitness website, Zen to Fitness.  Here is my most recent…

“I’m a law-abiding citizen.  I realize that rules are put in place for a reason – without rules there would be chaos.  But now and then, it is perfectly fine to break a few rules.  When it comes to training, the rules made by the fitness gurus are no different – there is a time a place to take these rules, and throw them out the window.

Always Train Full Body When Time Is Limited… Right?”

Continue Reading…

“Cardio” To Perform When Sore…

July 13, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

A number of years back Eric Cressey came out with an article called Cardio Confusion. Since that article, I’ve been incorporating “active recovery circuits” on my off days.  Now, I don’t do them NEARLY enough, but whenever I do, I feel much better as they 1) help speed recovery, and 2) help improve mobility (which most of us need to improve).  And a nice little “side effect” is some low impact calorie burning to help us with our health and fat loss goals.

One of the worst thing you can do (and way too many people are doing this), is say, “I am SO sore from my workout yesterday!  Therefore I’m just going to veg-out on the couch all day today.”  That will do nothing to speed up the recovery process, and contribute to the build-up of knots/adhesions all over your body.  Going on a fast-paced walk (and moving in general) is a much better way to spend your off days.  Even better though, is putting your body through a full range of motion, as you’ll see below.

There are number of ways to set up these active recovery days;

-You can perform  dynamic flexibility circuits (address areas of your body that are tight).

-You can do low-intensity resistance exercises (pick a handful of exercises and cycle through them).

-Or, as I like to do, throw some dynamic flexibility circuits in WITH the low-intensity resistance exercises.

Here are the exercises I did in yesterday’s active recovery/cardio session…

I just started a new program earlier in the week.  And as you probably know, when you start a new program the chances of soreness are higher.  Going into my cardio session yesterday, my pecs, glutes, and adductors (inner thighs) were especially sore.  So it was perfect timing to perform this active recovery day.  For the purposes of not boring you to death, I only recorded an example with 4 reps per exercise.  Normally I perform 10-12 reps (sometimes up to 20 reps) per exercise (6-10 exercises).

Above, you see

-Goblet Squats


-RDL/Bent Over Row (hybrid)

-Wall Hip Flexor Mobilizations (to address my tight quads)

-Hip Thrusts

-Reverse Lunge with Twist

I did 3 rounds of this circuit.  I also started off the workout with foam rolling/LAX ball and finished with static stretching at the end of my active recovery/cardio circuit.

Move from one exercise to the next with minimal rest and when it comes time to do the low-intensity resistance exercises, MAKE SURE you pick a lighter weight.  This should NOT turn into another “regular” weight lifting session, as that would just defeat the purpose.

Remember, when you train hard, you have to recovery smart.  Give this, or a similar set-up a try and reap the benefits!

Training Videos From The Week That Was – Part II

July 6, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July.   Although I’m sure you all enjoyed a beer and a burger (I know I did), I hope you still managed some holiday training!

My parents were in town from Illinois to meet their grandkids.  We had them and a few friends over to cookout, swim, and do a little celebrating.  But before that took place, me and my clients made sure we got work done in the gym! …

Here is Coco doing push-ups with a pause in the bottom position.  The goal was to perform 5 reps at a tempo that made it so the 5th rep was very tough.  This was her first set, so she was just “feeling out” the proper speed.  In the sets to follow, she actually went slower on the way down, and paused longer in the bottom position.

It had been awhile since I tested chins for max reps. So I woke up Sunday morning, met some of the high school kids at the gym, and got a training session in with them. The end result…

BTW, my abs were killing me the next day. NOT the 1st time that has happened after a touch chin/pull-up day. Just goes to show you how much the abs are working during a properly executed chin!

Dumbbell holds are up next.  This is the last exercise the b-ballers perform before calling it a week in the weight room.  I like to have them finish with an exercise that challenges their mental toughness a little bit.  It also builds a little team camaraderie as the kids quite often heckle/raz/push/encourage one another when their teammate’s turn is up.  Fun to watch too!

Brandon performs 3 chins with 55 pounds added…

Coco does a set of RDLs with 135 pounds for 8 reps. She always does a great job, but I’m still trying to get her to keep her head neutral (in line with her spine), and I’d like to see her back with a little bit of a tighter arch. Hey, I am aim for perfection, what can I say. :)

Jerome performs dumbbell incline presses…

I’ll leave it there for now. Check back for more videos in the weeks to come.

Don’t forget, you can follow me on Facebook and Twitter. Have a great, healthy week!

Exercise of the Week: All About the Hamstrings!

June 26, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

This one is all about the hammies.  It is called the Single Leg Straight Leg Elevated Hip Extension (man, that’s a mouthful).  It’s another great bodyweight exercise.  It’s amazing what we can get done with just our bodyweight as the “equipment!”

To perform, lie face up on the ground with your foot on a bench.  From there, rise your hips as high as possible, and squeeze the glutes at top.  Even know this is primarily a hamstring exercise, try your best to bring your glute into play at the top of the movement.  As soon as you feel like you have lost even a little bit of range of motion (you can’t get as high), stop the set.

Progressions and Regressions

-If you can’t fully extend your hip, start with two legs, and as you get stronger, progress to the one leg version

-If you can get one leg with good form, but can’t get many reps (6 or less), use this exercise early in your workout while you are fresh

-If these are fairly easy for you, perform high rep sets (15 + reps).  Even for the strongest people, these can also become very difficult if they are performed in a fatigue state.  In this case, perform these as the 3rd or 4th leg exercise in that workout.

For example; Leg exercise one = sumo deadlifts; Leg exercise two = bulgarian split squats; And finally, leg exercise three = Single Leg Straight Leg Elevated Hip Extension.  In this case, 10-12 reps will be hard for most.

-You can also perform the version that I learned from Bret Contreras.

Here, you hold onto a barbell and elevate your entire body.  This increases the range of motion making the exercise more difficult.

So, if you want to jump higher, run faster, or just have nicer looking hammies, give these a try!

My Cardio Medley Session…

June 19, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

For some, a 30-minute jog or “ride” on the stationary bike is a way to clear the mind.  It’s a way to escape for a brief period, and “get away.”  Not for me!  Twelve seconds into it, here’s what my mind is saying; “I can’t believe I still have 29 minutes and 48 seconds to go.  This is the worst, someone kill me!”  My ADD is way too strong.  I need change, and I need it quickly.

If you are anything like me, I suggest performing cardio “medleys.”  A cardio medley is a great way to prevent EXTREME boredom.  Medleys are also beneficial because they help prevent overuse injuries.  For example…

-Running 30 minutes straight is extremely repetitive.  This can be very hard on the joints… especially if you are carrying a few extra pounds.

-30 minutes hunched over a bike reinforces the posture that many of us are in all day while we are sitting on our butts at the computer; sitting for hours on end at work; driving in a our car; watching TV; etc. etc.

Anyway, to reduce the chance of these issues, and for all of us ADD people, medleys are great.  I know I won’t be performing “traditional” cardio anytime soon.  Here is what my cardio medley looked like yesterday…

That was:

-8 Sumo Deadlifts

-3 Chin-ups

-8 Hang Cleans

-8 Push-ups

-8 Jump Squats

Breaking it down: Deadifts with 135 pound is very easy, IF that is all I did.  But it is a enough to get my heart rate up going into the next exercise… chin-ups.  3 chin-ups are very easy, but become a little more difficult after doing deadlifts.  I then went onto hang cleans with 95 pounds.  This would usually be an easy weight, but is quite a bit harder after doing deadlifts and chins.  Next I went onto push-ups and finished with jump squats.  Once again, 8 push-ups and 8 jump squats are easy as a stand-alone, but as the 4th and 5th exercises in this medley, not so much.  My heart was pounding through my chest after that last jump squat.  Health and fat loss made a little more fun (still kind of miserable, but not as bad as usual :) ).

I then rested 60 seconds, and repeated as many sets as possible.

I purposely chose a weight that would jack my heart rate up (and make this very difficult), but not a weight that would make this session serve as “interference” for my weight training sessions.  If I had performed any slow, grinding reps due to a heavy load (on the deadlifts for example), this session would just have made recovery tougher for my weight training session tomorrow.  It’s all about seeing the big picture – even know I incorporated weights into this CARDIO session, it was NOT a lifting session.

So there you go.  Incorporate medleys into your cardio plan.  And if possible, try to mix both upper and lower body movements into the session.  This will ensure that a particular body part does not become the limiting factor (and will help prevent soreness for that body part), rather your heart & lungs will be reason that you have to stop, when the time comes.

Finally, Happy Father’s Day to the dads out there.  I am very happy to be apart of this group!

Training Videos From The Week That Was…

June 12, 2011 by danny · Leave a Comment 

What’s up y’all!  Another great training week in the books – below, you’ll see me and my clients putting in work…

First up, Coco hitting 155 X 8 in the deadlift…

Overall, great job by Coco.  She is fairly new to deadlifting, so we just have to try to make a couple tweaks…

1) Sometimes, her hips rise slightly before her torso – we want them to go up “as one.”

2) Her neck is extended and I’d like to see it in more of a neutral position (in line with her spine).

Brandon nails 300 X 5 in the trap bar deadlift.  He made it look fairly easy… not bad at all for a guy that weighs about 135 pounds!

Another video of one of the guys from the Dougherty Valley Basketball team (along with Brandon from above), Kenrick front squats 220 X 5.  He easily has more left in him!  But I would like to see him get about an inch lower on a couple of those reps, because he is mobile/stable/strong enough to do so.

I’m not sure why the video of Kenrick repeats itself and shows the set twice.?.  My learning disability when it comes to computers once again rears its ugly head!  One of these days maybe I’ll even learn how to add music and cool other features to my YouTube videos.  Maybe. :)

Carson (age 10) headed over to the gym with me today to train.  In between my sets, I taught him how to perform the basics; push-ups, static lunges, and TRX Rows.  My goal was just to drill home proper form, and not even worry about adding weight yet.  He did a great job!  His push-up form was really good! …

And finally, this was the finishing leg complex to my workout today…

-Jump Squats X 10, Reverse Lunges X 10 (total), Squats X AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible).  I got 16 reps on the squats today, 3 more than last Sunday.  Yeah boooyyyeee!

I’ll try to get my camera in the gym as much as possible in the weeks to come and continue to post videos of me and my clients working our ass off!  Have a great week and stay tuned for more fun to come.