Powerful Quotes
July 27, 2010 by danny · Leave a Comment
I’ve always loved a good quote. My senior year in high school I taped a handful of my favorites to my locker. I placed them there as little reminders and motivators. While there are 1000’s of great quotes, today I am going to share 5 quotes that have either been with me for years, or quotes that I have recently stumbled upon. Here they are …
-“A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he gets to know something.”—Wilson Mizner
It seems like we (probably me included at times) are so busy telling everyone all the things we “know” to be right, that we forget to shut up, listen and learn. I’m all for people that are willing to share a little of their knowledge and experience with others. In my opinion however, many would be wise to shut their traps so they can listen and learn from others. Out of all the things that I’ve done less than perfect in my time on this planet, one thing I give myself credit for is the fact that I have always listened to what my coaches (sport coaches) and other strength coaches (colleagues – many that are smarter than I) have had to say. I may not always agree with everyone 100% of the time, but I am going to hear what others have to say before I interrupt them and start to tell them why “my way” is right.
“The most important shot is the next one.” – my Dad
This quote from my dad has gone through my head above a billion times since he first said it to me. He first said it, reminding me that the last few shots I took don’t mean anything anymore. Even if I miss 4 straight, all that matters now is the next shot I take. This is true in so many aspects of life. If we mess up, move on, because there is nothing that we can do about it now. It is time to move on and give our next shot our best attempt.
“Consistency not novelty is the secret to uncommon results.”- Dr. John Berardi
Now, I don’t think JB is the creator of this quote (I could be wrong), but he is the first person I heard say it (write it). We need to stop searching for the magic potion and realize that good old fashion hard work and discipline are where it’s at. How ’bout we stop believing those stupid infomercials that promise us 6-pack abs in 14 seconds or less. “The ‘Rock and Go Exerciser’ now only $200! We promise if you buy our product, you’ll have the booty, and man of your dreams”…
“If you are so smart, why do you need my credit card?” – Jim Rome
I’ve heard Jim Rome say this numerous times when talking about the “expert” gamblers. They are notorious for telling the radio listeners that “all you have to do is give us your credit card information, and we’ll guarantee you a 14-0 week. And don’t forget the college football play of the year!” Huh? If you could go 14-0 every week, why don’t you just go ahead and place the bets for yourself and not ask me for my cc number? Snakes! Good call Romey!
“Life is a game of adjustments.” - my Dad
Poppa McLarty makes it in again! If your man keeps beating you to the right, force him left. If you are getting Cs and Ds in school - study more. Get a tutor. Hang out with smart chicks. You can’t seem to lose any weight? Maybe doughnuts every morning for breakfast should be replaced with pastured eggs, old-fashioned oatmeal, and some organic blue berries. You’re a Green Bay Packers fan and your life sucks? Stop rooting for the Packers. You get the point – make the necessary adjustments in life and you’re life will be more awesome.
It’s very easy to motivate me. All you have to do is send me a motivating quote or picture, and you’ll see me sprinting to the squat rack. I hope these quotes motivate you, make you think a bit, and help make you do good stuff. Man, how did I not include that powerful quote in my high school locker? … “help make you do good stuff.” That’s deep man, deep.
Overweight Kids, Accountability, and Some Fun
July 20, 2010 by danny · 2 Comments
A have a few great blog posts to share with you today. They all deal with a BIG problem that continues to become a BIGGER problem (puns intended). The problem I am speaking of? Our kids are getting fatter and more unhealthy every year. The cause of the problem? Video games, TV, and more processed food. Yes, these are huge problems. But who is buying our kids the video games? Who is bringing all this crappy food home? Who is taking our kids to McDonald’s every week? See where I am getting? Us adults/parents need to step up and take some accountability as well. I could go on and on, but I’ll turn it over to a couple guys that already did a great job of writing about the overweight kid problem/parents needing to step up problem.
In this post, Mark simply tells it like it is. Please parents, don’t get defensive and angry at Mark. Think about what he is saying and think about what we can do to help. We (my wife and I) are far from perfect so I am not saying that we don’t have improvements to make as well. When I read this I immediately brought Carson (9 years old) over to the computer and went over this information with him and Shondra (wife). As she is the one doing most of the “kid” grocery shopping in the house. I think it helped both of them to see this article. And it helped Carson to see the nasty looking picture of what I thought was ice cream. DISGUSTING!!! My favorite quote from the article; (when talking about his daughter) “Granted, she will have the occasional treat like a home baked cookie or piece of candy every so often, but she won’t have a treat every day because a treat per day isn’t a treat, it’s a habit.”
Brian St. Pierre once again hammers home the point that we have a choice. Yes, there is fast food all over the place. Yes, a good amount of the grocery stores are filled with candy and sugar. But we don’t HAVE TO buy it. Be accountable and don’t blame others!
Overdoing It?
I hope you don’t think I am crazy. I still think we should take our kids out for pizza night. Ice cream after a big win for the baseball team? Great! All I am asking, is that this are not the staple. Every night? Every (many) meal? C’mon! Again, the problem is growing, and it’s only getting worse. Let’s all step up as parents and make some changes!
It drives me crazy that Carson can watch the Suite Life of Zack and Cody, WWE, and Sponge Bob for hours on end. It can be like pulling teeth to get him to get outside and spend 10 minutes (yes, just 10 minutes!!!) working on his dribbling skills. I could go on and on (and I have) and tell him what most of us parents do; “Carson, back when I was your age I would get some friends together and spend hours and hours outside… pick up basketball games; tennis ball baseball; swimming at the Rockton Pool; tackle football in the back yard…..” and the list goes on. But, if all I do is pound him with, “you should be more like me” stories, I am just going to end up one frustrated person with no change in sight.
So, how ’bout the option of getting out there and playing with him? This past weekend we spent about 2 hours each day at the pool swimming. We timed eachother to see how fast we could make it from one end of the pool and back. And spent a lot of our time diving for a tennis ball into the pool… always a favorite of mine. Not sure who has more fun at this “game,” me or the kids. …
Yep, as a kid I played Mike Tyson’s Punch-out and loved it!
I watched WWF. I ate (and still sometimes eat) reese’s pieces. But let’s make sure our kids are not doing this all day. Make sure they are eating some fruits ‘n veggies, lean protein, and having some fun while playing outside. And remember, the best way to accomplish this may be to get out there and some fun with them!
Hesitation Moves on the Basketball Court
June 30, 2010 by danny · 2 Comments
If you want to be a great basketball player, you’ve got to have a complete game. I’ve talked about how to improve your dribbling skills in a previous post. Today I’m here focusing on changing speeds with the basketball. In all sports, those who effectively change speeds have a great advantage. Think of a pitcher with a great fast ball, but does not have a solid off-speed pitch. He won’t last long in the rotation. But give him a good change up, and he he can really pile up the wins. This is also true with a great running back. He must do more than run as fast as possible in a straight line. His ability to stop and start and be deceptive is just as important (if not more important) as his top-end speed. Think Barry Sanders.
Well, when it comes to hoops, it is no different. If you only have average quickness but change speeds well, just like that you become tough to guard – think Steve Nash. If you have good quickness and change speeds well, you become very quick – think Deron Williams. If you have very good quickness and change speeds well, you become unguardable – think Chris Paul and Derrick Rose. So, when working on your game, keep working on those handles. But do NOT forget to change speeds. Here are a few examples of what I am talking about…
Above ^^^ – stop and pop with a hesitation and stop and go to the basket. Next…
In this above video ^^^ – 1 stop and go to the right, 1 to the left, and 1 with a change of direction (between the legs) for a pull up J.
My skills with the video camera/computer are horrible, which is why the last shot got cut off. If Sue (not my mom) is reading this I know she is laughing at me. Sue – shush it! Remember, I’m going to be seeing you at our training session in just a couple hours and if you don’t watch it I will make you do nothing but Bulgarian Splits Squats for 1 hour straight!!!!!! Yeah, that’s what I thought. Anyway, I hope to really improve my computer skills in the months to come… but I just don’t get it. Next…
And in this last video you have Kobe using a hesitation move to make yet another defender look stupid.
Keep working hard on your game and make sure to change speeds on the court.
I hope everyone has a safe and fun 4th of July weekend!
My Current Training Program: Part II
June 24, 2010 by danny · Leave a Comment
Ok, I’m back to finish showing you what my current training program looks like. If you recall from Part I, my main goal right now is to be lean and muscular – since we have entered “beach season.” A side goal is to maintain my strength and size while stripping away a bit of fat. Since I am not eating a ton of extra calories, I am not looking to add a bunch of muscle or bring up lagging body parts. That will be saved for the non-summer months. Here is a recent photo taken of me…
Beware of my two vicious dogs. If you even think about breaking into my house, they will rip your head off. Without further adieu, here is day 3 and 4;
Training Program
Day 3 (This day falls on a Thursday)
A1) Neutral Grip Pull-ups - 3 X 1, 1 X 5 ***
A1) Decline DB Chest Press – 3 X 1, 1 X 7 ***
B1) Rope Pushdowns, Close-Grip Push-ups – 3 X 10 on the pushdowns, and then after the last set of pushdowns, I go right into 1 set of as many reps as possible of close-grip push-ups
B2) Farmer’s Walks – 1 X 50 seconds, 1 X 40 seconds, and 1 X 30 seconds
B3) Face Down (on an incline) reverse flyes (angle of bench set @ about 60 degrees) 3 X 10
Notes*** I do 4 sets of 3 on weeks 2 & 3 for the pull-ups (so, 4 X 3 and 1 X 5). And then on week 4 I go back to the same volume as in week one. I do 4 sets of 5 on the decline press on weeks 2 & 3 (so 4 X 5, 1 X 7) and then on week 4 I go back to the same volume as in week one.
Day 4 (falls on a Saturday)
A1) “Quad” Complex – Barbell Jump Squats X 10, followed immediately by 10 Squats, and finished up with a deep squat holds for as long as possible. I performed 2 sets on week 1. If I could walk and had anything left in my quads I have the option to do 3 sets in weeks 2 & 3. Week 4, back to 2 sets no matter what. (video seen below)
A2) Fillers – anything that is a low level activation drill and/or some extra mobility work (basically to stay productive instead of just sitting there on my butt waiting for the next set to begin).
B1) 1-Leg Back Extensions – 3 X 7/Leg
B2) Lateral Pallof Press – 3 X 5 reps with a 3 second hold on each rep (holding above head)
C) BB Glute Bridge – 2 X 12-15
Wrap Up
So there you have it, my 4-day upper/lower split. I have a higher volume light(er) upper and lower day, and a low(er) volume, heavier day for both the upper and lower body. My cardio is done 1 or 2 days per week. I either do 400 meter “sprints” (soooooo hard) or hill sprints. And most important of all to achieving my goal, is nutrition. If you are having a hard time reaching your physique goal(s), here is a great place to start nutrition-wise. If you are stuck in a rut and need some assistance designing the most effective program for your goals, check out my services page. I’d love to help you reach your goals!
My Current Training Program
June 22, 2010 by danny · Leave a Comment
I thought I’d share my current training program with you today. First of all, here are my goals and a little bit about me;
That’s me from last year’s 4th of July parade. Ok, moving along to more about me…
-It’s summer time so my #1 goal is to look lean and muscular while at the pool.
-With that said, I certainly do not want to become weaker and lose my muscle mass.
-My training (in the weight room) doesn’t change a whole lot (definitely some) while in a “cutting phase.” The main difference for me is to simply add a little more cardio, and to decrease my cals a bit.
-I don’t think it is real smart to do a “specialization” program (like trying to bring up your delts) when calories aren’t as high. I’ll save that for fall and the rest of the non-summer months.
I wouldn’t train the *majority* of my clients this way, (and there would definitely be some modifications if I were training one of my athletes – whose main goal is obviously sports performance) but since I am one of the “lucky” ones, my training doesn’t need to change much in order to lose fat. I put lucky in quotations because I really don’t consider it too lucky that it is fairly easy for me to get a 6-pack. Yes, that part is cool. But believe me, it is not fun to have to eat 42,000 cals by noon every day just to maintain weight. I have to eat 42,000 cals plus eat a camel just to see the scale go up an ounce. All that chewing (and drinking shakes) gets real old, real fast. Alright, with the news and notes out of the way, let’s get to it.
Training Program
Day 1 (this happens to fall on a Monday in this current training block)
A1) Incline DB Press, BB Incline Press - 4 X 8-10 and 1 set of AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) with 135 lbs for the barbell press ***
A2) DB Hammer Curls, Upper 1/2 Chins - 3 X 8-10 and then 1 set of AMRAP of upper 1/2 chins (hang from the bar @ 90 degrees and pull myself up to the bar – keep that range of motion (ROM) the entire time. ***
B1) Lateral Raise, Standing DB Shoulder Press – 3 X 12 and on the last set go right into standing shoulder presses for a set of 10 (this is known as the pre-fatigue method).
B2) X-Pulls (a back exercise) 3 X 10
B3) Quadruped Hip Extension (seen below) for 1 X 15-20/leg and 1-Leg Hip Thrust for 1 X 10-15/leg
Notes *** On weeks 2 and 3 I add a set of Incline DB Presses (so 5 X 8-10) and a set of DB Hammer Curls (so 4 X 8-10). Week 4, go back to the same volume as in week 1. This is mainly an upper body day, but I incorporate some glute work in there because it is always good to remind those glutes how to fire efficiently which will help reduce the chance of hamstring and low back problems (as well as help performance in sports). Even know tomorrow is a leg day, I don’t think a couple body weight lower body exercises will impede tomorrow’s workout. Today was higher volume, and as you’ll see, Thursday’s upper body day will be heavier, lower rep training.
Day 2 (falls on a Tuesday)
A1) Trap Bar Deadlift (seen below) – pick a weight that is a 4-6 rep max (RM) and do as many sets as it takes until I hit 15 reps (yes, this is Chad Waterbury-esque) ***
A2) Fillers – anything that is a low level activation drill and/or some extra mobility work (basically to stay productive instead of just sitting there on my butt waiting for the next set to begin)
B1) BB Bulgarian Split Squat (seen below) (lower 1/3 for 3 “mini-reps” then all the way up = 1 rep) – 3 X 5 ***
B2) Swiss Ball Leg Curl – 3 X 10/Leg
B3) RKC Plank – 1 X 30 seconds, Hanging Knee Raises – 1 X 10 to 15
Notes*** On week’s 2 & 3 I go until I hit 20 reps on the deads, and I perform 4 sets on the bulgarian split squats. Week 4 is back to the same volume as week 1. This is my lower rep leg day and day 4 will be be my higher rep leg day.
Alright, I’ll stop here before this thing gets too long. Be sure to check back in later this week to see what days 3 & 4 look like. I know it’s going to be hard to wait, but please, try not to lose any sleep over it.
Lebron James to the Bulls?!?
May 18, 2010 by danny · Leave a Comment
If you follow basketball at all, you’re well aware of the fact that Lebron James may be leaving Cleveland. Maybe you are like me and already a little sick of it. Kind of like all of the Brett Farve talk every off-season. Each summer I think, “JUST MAKE UP YOUR MIND BRETT! AND ESPN, STOP TALKING ABOUT IT EVERY OTHER SECOND!!!” Unfortunately, I see the same thing happening with King James. Since their season has only been done for about a week, I’m not quite all Lebroned-out just yet. Also, there is a lot of talk that the Chicago Bulls are in the running to get him. Being the BIG Bulls fan that I am, of course I am very interested in his decision. So, before I get too sick of the Lebron talk, I thought I’d make a post covering my thoughts on how much (or little?) I want him to be a Bull.
Do I Want Lebron in Chicago?
Of course I do. What, do you think I’m crazy? But, I am gonna delve a little deeper into the matter by changing the question up… How badly do I want Lebron to be a Bull? My answer may surprise you - while the idea of Lebron wearing a Bulls jersey excites me, it seems I’m not as pumped about the idea as many of my fellow Bulls fans. I mean, about 5 times a day I receive a picture message on my phone from my brothers that looks like this…
I love their enthusiasm, I really do! But I afraid he may not be what they (my brothers and MANY others) think he is. Here’s a scenario that I think lets you know how I feel; I win the lotto and am told over the phone that I will have a 1 million dollar check delivered to my door in 3 days. But when they come to drop off the check, the check is for 250 k, and not the original million that they told me I won (in my fake story, there are no such things as taxes. So no, the reduced money has nothing to do with taxes being taken out, just go with it…). I would be like, “WHAT! This is not what I thought I was getting. But I’ll still take it because I am now $250,000 richer than I was last week at this time!” To me, Lebron represents the $250,000. The Bulls (or any team that gets him) are going to a lot richer (better), but not as rich as they thought they would be when they first signed him.
Why DO I Feel This Way?
At this point in his career, he is lacking that “it,” that so many people talk about. He doesn’t smell blood like some of the people that we all compare him to. You know, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Dwyane Wade, Larry Bird etc. (And yes, I do put D. Wade in this category as I’ve seen him take over many a game. And on the biggest stage – against the Mavericks in the finals a few years back – actually, he took that whole series over!) I mean, I watched MJ play in some huge games and ended up saying; “Michael didn’t have his best game today. His shots weren’t falling, and he turned the ball over a couple times when they needed a bucket.” But I have never, ever, ever, ever, said, “Jordan didn’t show up today. Where was he? It was like he just disappeared!”
With Lebron, I have said that, and on more than one occasion. I’ve seen him shy away instead of take over the game and WANT IT so bad that it looked like his life depended on it… like appeared to be the case EVERY TIME Michael took the floor, and every time Kobe takes the floor.
Another thing that bothers me about Lebron, is that he seems to find a way to always make it about himself. When the media asked him about his future after the Celticts knocked them out of the playoffs it looked like he couldn’t wait to address the questions. I would have much rather seen him say something like; “I don’t know what the future holds, but right now I’m not going to worry about that. I need to be here for my teammates. We just lost a very disappointing series and it’s very hard on all of us.” But he choose to sit up on the podium and let us know that “he and his team are weighing all of the their options, blah, blah, blah.” C’mon Lebron, at least lie to us and make us think you and your teammates are hurting from the loss, and that that is all that matters right now.
Wrap Up
Above I mentioned that whatever team he goes to will be getting a “disappointing” $250,000. Maybe the scenario should have gone more like this; “Danny, here is a check for 250 k. Once you prove to me that you REALLY WANT IT, and that you are willing to do ANYTHING for it, I’ll be delivering the rest of your money to you. And I do think you’ll get there soon. Right now though, I’m not sure where where your priorites are, and I’m not sure how much it truly means to you.”
The worse case scenario is Lebron making me (the Bulls) a whole lot richer (better), with a good chance of making me a millionaire (championship ring) down the line. So, I think it is fair to say that I’d take Lebron with open arms. It’s just that at this point, my arms are not as wide open as other people’s are.
Make Your Cardio Sessions a Competition
April 21, 2010 by danny · Leave a Comment
Raise your hand if you look forward to cardio. My hand is down. Raise your hand if you are competitive. My hand is up. Actually, my hand is WAY up in the air. The idea of competing always gets my blood flowin’. I don’t care whether it is a board game, basketball, or, “I’ll give you $5 if you can name 7 movies with Denzel Washington in them in 15 seconds or less. GO!” Now that is fun, I look forward to anything that involves competition. As a matter of fact, the majority of my day involves some kind of competition… when I drive to the gym; “over/under on how many minutes it will take me to get there?” Of course, being the model-citizen that I am, I make sure to follow the rules of the road in my attempt to “win.” Carson and I play this game quite often; “Carson, over/under on when your mom will get home?” And through experience, here is how I set the line; whatever I think the normal time would be that she would be walking through the door, I multiply times 3. So, if she is coming home from the grocery store and 15 minutes sounds about right, I set the over/under at 45 minutes. Women! What? I love y’all, but you take a long time to do schtuff.
I could go on and on with examples of things that I do throughout the day that make me not-so-normal, but I think you get the point. Back to competitive cardio…
My Day At The Field
On Sunday I decided to suck it up and head to a local field to get some conditioning work in. It is a beautiful “field turf” field with lines all over the place. My goal was to find two lines that looked like it would take me about 15-20 seconds to run. So I went with two yellow lines and gave it a try. I told myself to run at about 85% intensity on set 1, and from there I just timed how long it took me to get from one yellow line to the next. 100% would be like I was running from a hungry grizzly bear.
So, this first sprint was fast, but not quite all-out. It ended up to be a 17-second sprint. I estimate it was about 300 meters .*** I then rested twice as long on every set. So, 34 seconds of rest (a 2:1 rest:work ratio). My goal was to see how many sets I could get in before hitting the 18-second mark on any sprint. I ended up getting 8 sets at 17 seconds or less, with set #9 taking me 18 seconds. I then called it a day. And I’ll tell you what, I’m actually looking forward to my next cardio session. Not because I enjoy cardio, but because can’t wait to attempt to beat my numbers.
Bottom line, there are ways to make cardio “fun.” Making your cardio sessions a competition is the best way to make sure that you, 1) actually get your cardio in, and 2) encourage you to make progress with each session, getting you one step closer to your goals. So, get that notebook out, record your results and try to beat your numbers each and every time!
***More like 150 meters.
My 10-Minute Vent
April 15, 2010 by danny · Leave a Comment
I’ve got an extra 10-minutes here, and I feel like getting a few things off my chest. And I thank you for being here when I need you most. I love you all. Well, except you Randy. I’m still mad at you for putting that that “kick me” sign on my butt at the school assembly in 7th grade. All the girls laughed at me and it still keeps me up at night. Damn you Randy! Everyone else, thanks for the love, and for listening…
Lucky Charms, Trix, etc. etc. etc. etc.
It ticks me off that there are so many commercials (everywhere in the media, really) that push a food as a health food, when it is far from it. Obesity is a huge problem in our country, and this deceit is not helping. For example, cereals that get the “Whole Grain Guaranteed” seal of approval from General Mills. The majority of these cereals are nothing more than sugar in a box with low fiber and a list of ingredients that I wouldn’t want me worst enemy to eat (except for you Randy. Man you’re an a-hole!). Part of the problem? The consumer needs to be more savvy. And I’m here to help “savvy you up.” So, if your cereal (or basically any food), has a bunch of carbs, very little fiber, and sugar is one of the first ingredients in the ingredients list, then it is NOT healthy.
Don’t get me wrong, I get my cheat on from time to time. But at least I know when I am cheating and when I’m being a good boy. And that is the message here; educate yourself so you know good from bad. Then, you can make adjustments in your food plan to get to your goals. For a good place to start as far as educating yourself, check this out. End vent.
Finishing on a positive note; the sun is out and I’m about to give a basketball lesson before heading to the gym to train clients for the day. Plus, the Cubs have won 2 in a row, the Bulls are in the playoffs, and the Bears haven’t lost in 2010. Life is good. Good bye.
MLB Roundtable, 2010
March 30, 2010 by danny · 2 Comments
First pitch of opening day is just about here. Every fan of every team can lie to themselves and say they have a chance. Yes, even the Washington National. But really, who am I to make fun of the Nationals? My team hasn’t won the World Series since 1908. But before I start to cry, let me tell you what I have in store for you today; three people that are going to give you their expert opinion on all things MLB, 2010.
On the panel, we have Brad McLarty. You know he’s an expert, because us McLarty boys haven’t been wrong in over 5 years…just ask our wives. We also have McKenna. This is a guy that is so famous that he only needs one name. You know, kind of like Cher (yeah, I just put him in the same category as Cher), Gandi, and Jordan (there you go McKenna, I worked you in there with MJ, so you can feel better again). And finally, we have Eric Cressey. Eric and his crew at “Cressey Performance” are literally changing the way that strength coaches train baseball players. You can read more about Eric at ericcessey.com. If you work with baseball players, do yourself a favor and check out his website – a GREAT baseball resource! Now, lets get to it…
Play Ball!
Danny McLarty: Before we get to the entire league, lets start off with what is truly important to us. For Brad and I, that is the Cubs. For Eric and McKenna, that is the Red Sox. Starting it off with Brad, briefly tell me why we are not going to be saying, “there’s always next year,” by the time July rolls around.
Brad McLarty: We are not going to be saying that because hopefully the Cubs will stay healthy this year. Last year the Cubs had key players injured time after time. Theses are the same key players that led them to 97 wins the year before. If they can stay healthy they are very capable of a 90+ win season again. Carlos Zambrano spent the off-season working out in Chicago for the first time in his career. He has lost a lot of weight and it’s time to stop saying he could be great if…. He’s got a lot to prove and this has to be the year he gets it done. Geovany Soto has also lost 40lbs in the off-season and is hungry to prove his abilities after a bad sophomore season.
DM: Back in college McKenna lived a life with as much heartbreak as us Cubs fans. But that all changed in the summer of 2004 when Boston got their first World Series ring since 1918. Don’t worry, we’ll get to your stupid Red Sox in a moment. Before doing that, tell me McKenna, do the 2010 Cubs have a chance?
McKenna: I hate to say it but I would bet on Piniella dropping dead arguing a bang-bang play at first before I take the Cubs to win it. They need a real number one starter and I’m not sure they have enough offense to make up for a questionable bullpen. I keep hoping we can get our dream World Series and watch the Red Sox versus the Cubs at Fenway and Wrigley but I don’t see it happening this year.
DM: We are no longer friends McKenna.
Eric, care to add anything in regards to this year’s Cubs team? Or dont you care about us?
Eric Cressey: Cubs? Who are they?
Just kidding, of course…at least sort of.
DM: Switching gears to a less important topic – the Red Sox. Tell me Eric, how do you like the Red Sox chances against the “Evil Empire” in the AL East this year?
EC: I like them. Everybody knocks the “defense approach” the Sox have taken this year, but to be honest, I don’t think offensive production will drop off at all. And, guys like Adrian Beltre, Mike Cameron, and Marco Scutaro make the pitching staff better – particularly when you take a great defensive center fielder like Ellsbury and put him in left. You’ve upgraded at four positions defensively, and that makes an already good pitching staff better. Pitching wins games (and, more specifically, healthy starting pitching), and I’d take Beckett-Lester-Lackey against any three pitchers in baseball in a playoff series. The Sox crunch the numbers more than any other team in MLB; they know what they’re doing with these moves.
Oh, and some guy named Youkilis had a great new strength coach this off-season…so he’ll be just fine at first base (especially since he’s already won a Gold Glove there)
DM: And McKenna, your thoughts?
McKenna: I agree with Eric completely but I will add that the Sox also still have Wakefield, Matsuzaka and Buchholz which gives the Red Sox depth and flexibility that the Yankees don’t have with their starting rotation. I could argue that potentially Lackey is the Red Sox number four starter because Buchholz stuff is that good. The kid has already thrown a no hitter and has filthy stuff. I do have some concerns with the Red Sox offensive fire power but if they need a bat the Red Sox have the ability to go get someone in July once some of the fire sales begin. The proverbial nail in the coffin for the Yankees is that it’s a contract year for Josh Beckett, case closed.
DM: Lets move around the league a bit. We haven’t won since 1908, so the odds are stacked in our favor to get it done. This is most likely, “our year,” but injuries could take over, another goat could cross our path, or something else crazy, you really never know. If something like that takes place, and the Cubs don’t win it, what other teams out there do you like to be playing deep into the post-season?
BM: Its easy to pick the two teams that were in the World Series last year, but that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I think the Phillies offensive line-up is the scariest line-up in the National league and their pitching isn’t too shabby either. You add Roy Halladay into the mix and they are my preseason pick to make it back to the World Series. My sleeper is the San Fransico Giants. Love their #1 and #2 starters Tim Lincecum and Matt Cain. They’ve also added some nice pieces with Mark DeRosa and Freddy Sanchez. Yankees of course are tough to pick against with the cast of All-Stars they have. Not a surprise when your team salary is pushing 210 million while the Tampa Bay Rays are around 68 million. I think they will be battling the same teams as always with the Red Sox and Angels. The Mariners and White Sox added some nice players but the Twins losing their closer Nathan and moving outdoors is going to hurt them.
DM: Brad, please don’t ever say anything nice about the White Sox again. McKenna, what say you?
McKenna: Obviously the Red Sox will win the AL East. The AL Central will be the Twins, I don’t care if Nathan is out or not. In the AL West I like Seattle to finally break through and keep the Angels home this fall. The AL wild card will be the Rays coming out of the brutal AL East. I know, I know, I didn’t pick the Yankees to even make the playoffs but here are my reasons; 1. I hate them! 2. I think they will have issues with injuries this year and it will derail them. 3. How long can Rivera still be a lights-out closer? I mean the dude is what, fifty? He still plays Enter Sandman when he enters the game. Lame! In the NL East it has to be the Phillies as they added Halladay and that is plenty. In the NL Central I have the Cardinals. La Russa is a genius, he has the best player in the game, and a decent pitching staff barring any injuries. In the NL West I like the Rockies. I am going to the inter-league series when they play the Red Sox and look forward to watching two possible playoff teams. My NL wild card pick is the Braves. Watch out for Jason Heyward, if they keep him in the bigs he is going to be a beast!
DM: Eric, with all of the professional baseball players that you work with on a weekly basis, I’m sure the readers would love to get your thoughts. Which teams do you think have the best chance to be playing in October?
EC: Hard to argue with the Yankees and Red Sox coming out of the AL East. I like Detroit in the AL Central and Seattle in the AL West (gotta love Lee and Hernandez as a 1-2). Philadelphia and St. Louis will go from the NL East and Central, and LA from the NL West. Wild card to SF…sorry, Cubs fans.
DM: Obviously guys like Alex Rodriguez, Albert Pujols, and Ryan Theriot are easy choices for pre-season MVP talk. Eric, anyone else that you put on your short list that might surprise us?
EC: Pujols is practically a given in the NL. I think that the AL is more wide open, and I certainly have some biases who will remain nameless.
That said, as a baseball fan, I think it will be interesting to see what Evan Longoria does this year. The guy hit 33HR and knocked in 113 runs in his first full MLB season. Traditionally, if you hit .300 with 30+HR and 100+RBI, you are a top three guy in MVP voting, guaranteed. He’s seen all those AL pitchers for 1.5 years now and is more mature.
Oh, that Joe Mauer guy is pretty good, too.
DM: Brad, do you have any surprises?
BM: My pick every year if he is healthy is Jose (his real name so I always call him that) Pujols. But a surprise and I hate to say it, is Ryan Braun of the Brewers. Love his bat and he is improving in left field. Another Brewer to watch is Prince Fielder. In the American league I am going to say Joe Mauer. A number of players after signing a huge contract would coast but I think that is going to drive him even more.
DM: McKenna?
McKenna: It is hard to argue against Theriot who hit a whopping seven bombs last year, but in the NL I’m going with Hanley Ramirez. He has all the tools and was once a Red Sox, which is good enough for me. My dark horse is David Wright. If the Mets have a decent year he will get a strong look. In the AL, Youkilis has to be the pick. Working out with Eric has to make him good for forty bombs and a huge year! I also love Longoria, he just kills the Red Sox and is a super talent. I think the Tigers will stink but Cabrera also has a solid shot at winning the MVP.
DM: Eric works with a ton of pitchers - working his magic to help keep their arms/shoulders healthy, getting them stronger to throw harder, and to help them with recovery between outings. With that said, I can’t have him on this roundtable without talking Cy Young. Eric, who do you like in each league?
EC: Even though he has struggled in spring training, it’s hard to go with anyone but Sabathia in the AL after how dominant he was last year. Greinke deserved it completely, though – especially considering what he did on a team that didn’t score a lot of runs. Still, I’d say Sabathia and Hernandez as 1-2.
I think Jon Lester is ready to be a top of the line starter and it wouldn’t surprise me if he won 20 games this year. I’m not saying Cy Young, but I think he’ll surprise a lot of people. Then again, it wouldn’t surprise me if Lester, Beckett, and Lackey all won 20 games.
In the NL, I like Halladay without a doubt. I’ll put Lincecum as runner-up.
DM: Brad, do you have a Cy Young front-runner or two?
BM: I’m going with Tim Lincecum of the Giants, or Roy Halladay of the Phillies. Halladay not pitching in that division anymore will give him a chance to dominate. In the American League I am going with Justin Verlander. I’m going to give Cliff Lee an outside chance. After dominating in the playoffs, then being traded, he will want to show people they made a mistake.
DM: McKenna, anything to add?
McKenna: In the NL Halladay is almost a certain lock. Going from the AL East with the DH rule and better hitters, to the NL East facing pitchers and weaker competition is a recipe for 25 wins. I also like Wainwright and Lincecum but they are looking up at Halladay. In the AL it’s two of my beloved Red Sox battling for the pitching honors. Lester and Beckett are both going to have huge years and have the defense behind them to post huge numbers. I know you are all rolling your eyes saying, here we go with more Red Sox bias, but I am giving my most professional and honest opinion so take it for what it’s worth. GO SOX!
DM: Man, it sounds like this Red Sox team does it all! Hey McKenna, do you think your boys can help America find a solution to this health care crisis? Can you get them to use their super powers to pass a law, making it illegal for guys to ever do a curl in the squat rack again? You’re such a homer!
But seriously, thank you very much for taking the time to do this roundtable. Each one of you gave the readers some really good thoughts heading into opening day. If anyone has any surprises that you think these guys left out, post them in the comments section below. I hope you all enjoy the season!
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